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Accession IconGSE103340

Patient-derived xenograft model identifies clinically relevant subtype-specific features of colorectal cancer

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 71 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix HT HG-U133+ PM Array Plate (hthgu133pluspm)

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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease classified into four consensus molecular subtype (CMSs) with distinct biological and clinical features. This study aims to understand the value of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) in relation to these CMSs. A total of 42 primary tumors, recurrences and metastases were used to develop PDXs. Detailed genetic analyses were performed on PDXs and corresponding patient tumors to determine relationship and PDX heterogeneity. Out of 42 tumors 22 (52%) showed successfully PDX engraftment, which was biased towards metastases and CMS1 and CMS4 tumors. Importantly, gene expression analysis revealed a clinical relevant association between an engraftment gene signature and prognosis for stage II patients. Moreover, this gene signature revealed an association between Src pathway activation and positive engraftment. Src pathway activity co-aligned with CMS4 and the levels of fibronectin in tumors and was confirmed by pSrc immunohistochemistry. From this analysis we further deduced that decreased cell cycle activity is a prognostic factor for successful engraftment and related to patient prognosis. However, this is not a general phenomenon, but subtype specific as decreased cell cycle activity was highly prognostic for recurrence-free survival within CMS2 but not in CMS1 and CMS4, while it showed an inverse correlation in CMS3. These data illustrate that CRC PDX establishment is biased toward CMS1 and CMS4, which impacts translation of results derived from pre-clinical studies using PDXs. Moreover, our analysis reveals subtype-specific features, pSrc in CMS4 and low Ki67 in CMS2, which provide novel avenues for therapy and diagnosis.
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