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Accession IconGSE20744

The activation potential of MOF is constrained for dosage compensation, MBD-R2 transcriptome analysis

Organism Icon Drosophila melanogaster
Sample Icon 10 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array (drosophila2)

Submitter Supplied Information

The H4K16 acetyltransferase MOF plays a crucial role in dosage compensation in Drosophila, but has additional, global functions in gene control. We compared the molecular context and effect of MOF activity in male and female flies combining chromosome-wide mapping and transcriptome studies with analyses of defined reporter loci in transgenic flies. MOF distributes dynamically between two types of complexes, the Dosage Compensation Complex (DCC) and complexes containing MBD-R2, a global facilitator of transcription. These different targeting principles define the distribution of MOF between the X chromosome and autosomes and at transcription units with 5 or 3 enrichment.
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