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Accession IconGSE22313

Pre-B cell leukemia homeobox protein Pbx1 is associated with lupus susceptibility in mice and humans

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 8 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

Sle1a.1 is part of the Sle1a lupus susceptibility locus which results in the production of activated and autoreactive CD4+ T cells as well as a reduction in the peripheral regulatory T cell (Treg) pool. Sle1a.1 CD4+ T cells showed a defective response to retinoic acid (RA) expansion of TGF-induced Tregs. At the molecular level, Sle1a.1 corresponds to an increased expression of a novel splice isoform of Pbx1, Pbx1-d. Pbx1-d over-expression is sufficient to induce an activated/inflammatory phenotype in Jurkat T cells, and to decrease their apoptotic response to RA. PBX1-d is expressed more frequently in lupus patients than in healthy controls, and its presence correlates with an increased memory T cell population. These findings indicate that Pbx1 is a novel lupus susceptibility gene that regulates T cell activation and tolerance.
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