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Accession IconGSE3071

ILS/ISS Cerebellum Comparison Affy430

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 8 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430A Array (moe430a), Affymetrix Mouse Expression 430B Array (moe430b)

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Inbred Long-Sleep (ILS) and Inbred Short-Sleep (ISS) mice exhibit a large difference in a number of alcohol and drug related behaviors. This study examined the expression levels of transcripts in these strains in the cerebellum, which is a major target of ethanols actions in the CNS, in order to find differentially expressed candidate genes for these phenotypes. Cerebellum was specifically chosen due to the fact that Purkinje cell sensitivity to ethanol in these strains is highly correlated to "sleep time", the measure of ethanol sensitivity used with these strains. Naive mice were used because differences in sensitivity are observed upon initial exposure to ethanol.
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