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Accession IconGSE33251

Multiple changes at the mucosal surface are induced by protective SIV vaccination

Organism Icon Macaca mulatta
Sample Icon 15 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Rhesus Macaque Genome Array (rhesus)

Submitter Supplied Information

Systemic vaccination with the attenuated virus SIVmac239-Nef provides sterilizing or partial protection to rhesus monkeys challenged with WT SIV strains, providing important opportunities to study key immunological components of a protective host response. Here we show that intravenous vaccination with SIVmac239-Nef provides two potentially crucial immunological barriers localized at mucosal surfaces that correlate with the vaccines protective effects against WT SIVmac251 vaginal challenge: 1) a conditioned and coordinated response from the mucosal epithelium that blunts the early inflammatory and chemotactic signalling cascade that aids virus propagation and expansion; 2) early on-site generation/diversification of SIV-specific Abs from ectopic germinal center-like lymphoid aggregates. This unique host response to WT SIVmac251 in the female reproductive tract of SIVmac239-Nef-vaccinated animals points to a multi-layered strategy for a protective host response during immunodeficiency virus exposurerapid induction of humroal immunity at mucosal surfaces without the deleterious inflammatory side effects tied to innate recognition of virus. This vaccine-induced host response highlights potential key protective mechanisms needed for an effective HIV vaccine
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