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Accession IconGSE36649

Expression data by telomere elongation

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 4 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

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Limitless reproductive potential is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells1. This ability is accomplished by maintaining telomeres, which erosion otherwise causes cellular senescence or death. Human cancer cells often maintain shorter telomeres than do cells in surrounding normal tissues2-5. While most cancer cells activate telomerase, which can elongate telomeres6, it remains elusive why cancer cells keep telomeres short. Here we show that forced elongation of telomeres in cancer cells promotes their differentiation in a tumor microenvironment in vivo. We elongated telomeres of human prostate cancer PC-3 cells, which possess short telomeres7, by enhancing their telomerase activity. The resulting cells with long telomeres retain an ability to form tumors in a mouse xenograft model. Strikingly, these tumors exhibit many duct-like structures and reduced N-cadherin expression, reminiscent of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. These phenotypic changes are caused by telomere elongation per se but not enhanced telomerase activity. Gene expression profiling revealed that telomere elongation correlates with inhibition of cell-cycle processes. Together, our results suggest a functional contribution of short telomeres to tumor malignancy by regulating cancer cell differentiation.
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