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Accession IconGSE46853

To divide or not to divide: a key role of Rim15 in calorie-restricted yeast cultures

Organism Icon Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sample Icon 11 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Yeast Genome S98 Array (ygs98)

Submitter Supplied Information

The present study aims to explore the role of Rim15 in both physiology and genome wide expression in S. cerevisiae under severe caloric restriction. Non-growing but metabolically active cultures of S. cerevisiae are of major interest for application in industry and as model systems for aging in higher eukaryotes. Using retentostat cultivations, almost non-growing but metabolic active cultures can be obtained resulting from the severe caloric restriction, yet not starvation, yeast experiences. Rim15 plays an important role in several nutrient sensing pathways and is involved in activating stress response and glycogen accumulation upon nutrient shortage. To investigate the role of Rim15 in the extreme robustness and glycogen accumulation of anaerobic retentostat cultures, a rim15 deletion strain is compared with its parental strain under anaerobic calorie restriction on both physiology and transcriptome.
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