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Accession IconGSE55490

mTORC1 controls the systemically-induced adaptive regulation of stem cell quiescence into GAlert

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 21 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array (mogene10st)

Submitter Supplied Information

A unique property of many adult stem cells is their ability to exist in a non-cycling, quiescent state. Although quiescence serves an essential role in preserving stem cell function until the stem cell is needed in tissue homeostasis or repair, defects in quiescence can lead to an impairment in tissue function, the extent to which stem cells can regulate quiescence is unknown. Here, we show that the stem cell quiescent state is composed of two distinct functional phases: G0 and an alert phase we term GAlert, and that stem cells actively and reversibly transition between these phases in response to injury-induced, systemic signals. Using genetic models specific to muscle stem cells (or satellite cells (SCs)), we show that mTORC1 activity is necessary and sufficient for the transition of SCs from G0 into GAlert and that signaling through the HGF receptor, cMet is also necessary. We also identify G0-to-GAlert transitions in several populations of quiescent stem cells. Quiescent stem cells that transition into GAlert possess enhanced tissue regenerative function. We propose that the transition of quiescent stem cells into GAlert functions as an 'alerting' mechanism, a novel adaptive response that positions stem cells to respond rapidly under conditions of injury and stress without requiring cell cycle entry or a cell fate commitment.
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