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Accession IconGSE56532

NORMALvs late stage OSCC

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 16 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST Array (hugene10st)

Submitter Supplied Information

In order to identify genes with differential gene expression or alternative splicing between the groups Normal and late stage OSCC (Stage III and IV), we study 16 hybridizations (6 normal; 10 late stage OSCC) on the HumanGene10ST array using mixed model analysis of variance. 1323 genes with significant gene expression differences between the groups and 357 genes with significant exon-group interaction (a symptom of alternative splicing) were found, including 129 genes with both gene and possible splicing differences (p<0.01). Contingency table analysis of the set of studied genes and a dataset of known pathways and gene classifications revealed that the set of alternatively spliced and expressed genes were found to be significantly over-represented in groups of the GOMolFn, GOProcess, GOCellLoc, and Pathway classes (p<0.01).
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