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Accession IconGSE64638

Human basophil expression profiles (in vitro) (Ref 8)

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 33 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HumanRef-8 v3.0 expression beadchip

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Human basophils were examined in vitro for changes in their mRNA expression profiles during stimulation under a variety of conditions. Basophils were obtained from two sources prior to purification, residual cell packs from leukapheresis procedures (which represent the 80% of the sample results) or by venipuncture. For cells obtained by leukapheress, purification included application of elutration, 2-step Percoll gradients and negative selection on Miltenyi columns using StemSep basophil isolation antibodies (see J. Immunol. Methods, 385:51, 2012). For cells obtained by venipuncture, purification included application of 2-step Percoll gradients following by negative selection on Miltenyi columns using StemSep basophil isolation antibodies. The time from subject donation to the start of an in vitro study (first lysis for mRNA) ranged from 6-7 hours for leukapheresis packs to 4-5 hours for venipuncture. Basophil purities averaged 99% for these studies.
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