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Accession IconGSE7155

Expression data from adult laboratory mouse brain hemispheres

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 9 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

Submitter Supplied Information

Inbred congenic strain B6.C6.132.54/Vad was created using C57BL/6ByJ background and BALB/cJ donor strains. Flanking background markers at chr. 6: 75.9 Mb (rs4226008, NCBI Mouse Build 36 / dbSNP Build 126) and 122.3 Mb (rs3023093), and limiting donor markers at 81.9 Mb (rs4226024) and at 91.8 Mb (rs3712161) defined the introgressed region. We concluded the segment size must be between 9.9 Mb and 46.4 Mb. In a Quantitative Trait Gene identification study we compared brain (without cerebellum) gene expression between progenitors and congenics. Such comparisons can facilitate identification of cis-regulated genes and to establish genetic control of a complex phenotype whose expression is associated with the introgressed chromosome segment.
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Additional Metadata
BALB/cJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep2
BALB/cJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep1
C57BL/6ByJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep1
B6By.C.132.54 strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep3
C57BL/6ByJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep2
C57BL/6ByJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep3
B6By.C.132.54 strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep1
BALB/cJ strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep3
B6By.C.132.54 strain, brain hemisphere, biological rep2