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Accession IconGSE74057

Snail1 controls fibroblast action on tumor cell invasion and metastasis [MSC]

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 4 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.0 ST Array (mogene20st)

Submitter Supplied Information

Snail1 transcriptional factor is essential for triggering epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and inducing tumor cell invasion. We report here that Snail1 plays also a key role in tumor associated fibroblasts since is necessary for enhancement by these cells on epithelial cells tumor invasion. Snail1 expression in fibroblast requires signals derived from tumor cells such as TGF-b; reciprocally, in fibroblasts Snail1 organizes a complex program that favors collective invasion of epithelial cells at least in part by the secretion of diffusible signaling molecules, such as prostaglandin E2. The capability of human or murine tumor-derived cancer associated fibroblasts to promote tumor invasion is associated to Snail1 expression and obliterated by Snail1 depletion. In vivo experiments show that tumor cells co-transplanted with Snail1 depleted fibroblasts show lower invasion than those xenografted with control fibroblasts. Finally Snail1 depletion in mice prevents the formation of breast tumors and decreased their invasion. Therefore, these results demonstrate that the role of Snail1 in tumor invasion is not limited to its effect in EMT but dependent on its expression in stromal fibroblasts where it orchestrates its activation and the crosstalk with epithelial cells.
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