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Accession IconGSE75888

Expression data for iPSC-derived hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs) treated with 100 M pazopanib for 24 hours

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 25 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array (hgu133plus2)

Submitter Supplied Information

Pazopanib is a drug with idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity risk. Analysis of gene expression changes after exposing hepatocytes can indicate effects on specific biological pathways and potential mechanisms of hepatotoxicity. HLCs derived from patient-specific iPSCs were treated with pazopanib to identify both drug-related global effects and patient-specific effects
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HT2 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 1
HT2 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 2
NHT2 - DMSO_24 h, biological rep 2
NHT2 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 2
HT3 - DMSO_24 h, biological rep 1
NHT1 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 2
NHT2 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 3
HT3 - DMSO_24 h, biological rep 3
HT2 - DMSO_24 h, biological rep 1
HT1 - pazopanib_24 h, biological rep 1