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Accession IconGSE9001

Whole body transcriptional response of female fruitflies to juvenile hormone

Organism Icon Drosophila melanogaster
Sample Icon 4 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Drosophila Genome Array (drosgenome1)

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Juvenile hormone (JH) and 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) are highly versatile hormones, coordinating development, growth, and reproduction in insects. Pulses of 20E provide key signals for initiating developmental and physiological transitions, while JH promotes or inhibits these signals in a stage-specific manner. Previous evidence suggests that JH and 20E might modulate innate immunity, but whether and how these hormones interact to regulate the immune response remains unclear. Here we show that JH and 20E have antagonistic effects on the expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in Drosophila melanogaster. In S2* cells challenged with bacterial peptidoglycans, 20E induces promoter activity and expression of AMPs in a dose-dependent manner, while JH III and its synthetic analogs (JHa) methoprene and pyriproxyfen abolish this 20E-dependent response. Using microarrays and GFP reporter gene assays in adult flies, we confirm that JH is a hormonal immuno-suppressor in vivo. When silencing both partners of the ecdysone receptor (EcR ) / ultraspiracle (USP) heterodimer with RNAi in S2* cells, 20E fails to activate Diptericin (Dpt) expression, suggesting that 20E regulates expression of this gene through EcR / USP signaling. In contrast, silencing methoprene-tolerant (MET), a candidate JH receptor, does not impair the immuno-suppressive action of JH III and JHa, indicating that in this context MET does not function as a JH receptor. Our results suggest that the balance of 20E and JH is a major determinant of immune homeostasis in insects.
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Y/W_Female_Drosophila melanogaster_Acetone_topical_Replicate2
Y/W_Female_Drosophila melanogaster_JHIII_topical_Replicate1
Y/W_Female_Drosophila melanogaster_Acetone_topical_Replicate1
Y/W_Female_Drosophila melanogaster_JHIII_topical_Replicate2