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Accession IconGSE9044

HOXB4 target genes in ES cell-derived embryoid bodies (EBs)

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 6 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (mouse4302)

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To unravel the molecular mechanism by which HOXB4 promotes the expansion of early hematopoietic progenitors within differentiating ES cells, we analzed the gene expression profiles of embryoid bodies (EBs) in which transcription of HOXB4 had been induced or not induced. A substantial number of the identified HOXB4 target genes are involved in signaling pathways important for controlling self-renewal, maintenance and differentiation of stem cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that HOXB4 activity and FGF-signaling are intertwined. HOXB4-mediated expansion of ES cell-derived early progenitors was enhanced by specific and complete inhibition of FGF-receptors. In contrast, the expanding activity of HOXB4 on hematopoietic progenitors in day4-6 embryoid bodies was blunted in the presence of basic FGF (FGF2) indicating a dominant negative effect of FGF-signaling on the earliest hematopoietic cells. Taken together, we show that modulation of FGF signaling is an essential feature of HOXB4 activity in the context of embryonic hematopoiesis.
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