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Accession IconGSE95504

LncRNA expression profiling of hepatocellular carcinoma cell line BEL-7402 treated with baicalein

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 9 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge Icon Affymetrix Human Transcriptome Array 2.0 (hta20)

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Baicalein, a purified flavonoid compound with defined chemical structure extracted from the dry roots of Scutellaria radix that is a broadly used herb in China, has been proved to possess significant anti-hepatoma activity by inhibiting cell proliferation, invasion, metastasis and inducing apoptosis, autophagy via several cancer-related signaling molecules. In recent years, emerging studies have demonstrated that Chinese medicinal herbs can exert their anti-tumor effects through targeting lncRNAssuch as curcumin, camptothecin, resveratrolpaclitaxel. However, there is still no related report about the effects of baicalein on lncRNA expression profile when it exerts its inhibition on hepatoma tumor growth. To investigate whether the antitumor effect of baicalein is related to its modulation of lncRNA expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), we profiled the lncRNA expression in HCC cell line Bel-7402 treated with baicalein (0, 40, 80M) for 24 hours using lncRNA microarray and detected the changes by comparing the lncRNA expression profile of HCC cell line Bel-7402 treated with baicalein (40 and 80 M) and its DMSO control (0 M). These findings suggest that modulation of lncRNA expression may be an important mechanism underlying the anti-hepatoma effects of baicalein and lay the groundwork for further investigations.
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