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Accession IconSRP035417

ZNF804A transcriptome networks in differentiating human neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 8 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

Submitter Supplied Information

The goal of this project is to study transcriptome change by knocking down ZNF804A, a schizophrenia and bipolar disorder candidate gene, in early neurons derived from iPSCs. Overall design: Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) were developed from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and transduced by two independent shRNA vectors targeting ZNF804A, a schizophrenia and bipolar disorder candidate gene. After recovery and selection in puromycin, neuronal differentiation was induced. After 14 days, RNA was recovered and analyzed by RNA-seq. The expression profiles were compared with NPCs that were transduced with scrambled control vectors. This corresponds to controls 1-3 and KD 1-3, which was carried out on a male iPSC line. Scramble 1 and 2 and KD1 and 2 are technical replicates. Scrambled 3 and KD 3 were carried out on an independent NPC culture. For control 4 and KD4, neuronal differentiation was induced, and on day 10 the cells were transduced with the same ZNF804A KD and scrambled control vectors used for scrambled control 3 and KD3. In addition, this last set was carried out on a female iPSC line
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