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Accession IconSRP056112

Dysregulation of Endometrial Inflammation Precedes the Development of Cytological Endometritis [mRNA]

Organism Icon Bos taurus
Sample Icon 24 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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The regulation of endometrial inflammation has important consequences for the resumption of bovine fertility post-partum. All cows experience bacterial influx into the uterus after calving; however a significant proportion fail to clear infection leading to the development of cytological endometritis (CE) and compromised fertility. We hypothesised that early immunological changes could not only act as potential prognostic biomarkers for the subsequent development of disease but also shed light on the pathogenesis of endometritis in the post-partum dairy cow. Here, next-generation sequencing from endometrial biopsies taken at 7 days post-partum (DPP) identified significant expression of inflammatory genes in all cows. Despite the common inflammatory profile and enrichment of the Toll-like receptor, NF?B and TNF signalling pathways, 73 genes and 31 miRNAs differentiated between healthy cows (HC, n=9) and cows which subsequently developed CE at 7 DPP (n=6, FDR<0.1). In healthy cows, 4197 differentially expressed genes between 7 and 21 DPP whereas only 31 genes were differentially expressed in samples from cows with CE. At 21 DPP, a further 1167 genes were differentially expressed between HC cows and cows diagnosed with CE (FDR<0.1). These changes in host gene expression reflected culture-independent microbiological analysis which showed significant differences in uterine bacterial profiles between groups. Inflammatory activity was not confined to the uterus; decreased circulating granulocytes and increased Acute Phase Protein (SAA and HP) plasma expression levels were detected at 7 DPP in cows that developed CE. In conclusion, our data suggests that the major inflammatory cascade activated early post-partum is resolved thereby restoring homeostasis in healthy cows by 21 DPP, but this transition fails to occur in cows which develop CE. Despite a common inflammatory profile, differential expression of specific immune genes may identify cows at risk of prolonged inflammation and the development of CE post-partum. Overall design: Sixteen Holstein Friesian cows, of mixed parity, within the same university dairy herd were sampled 7 and 21 days postpartum (DPP) in the morning after milking, over an eight week period.
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