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Accession IconSRP071848

Tdrd6a recruits Ziwi-bound piRNAs and coordinates deposition of germ plasm mRNAs into primordial germ cells [scRNA-Seq]

Organism Icon Danio rerio
Sample Icon 100 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconNextSeq 500

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Germ plasm, the Balbiani body and nuage are evolutionary conserved structures essential for germ cell specification and maintenance. We describe Tdrd6a as a component of these structures with two distinct molecular functions. First, Tdrd6a facilitates the accumulation of the typical antisense-bias of piRNAs, without having effects on piRNA biogenesis signatures. Second, we show that Tdrd6a is required for Balbiani body and germ plasm integrity, and associates with RNA-binding proteins and germ plasm mRNAs. On the cell-biological level, maternally contributed Tdrd6a strongly impacts germ cell formation, but is dispensable for fertility. Using single-cell RNA-sequencing we demonstrate that Tdrd6a promotes early germ cell development and regulates the stoichiometry of germ plasm mRNAs. We propose that Tdrd6a functions as a scaffold to recruit correct ratios of germ plasm transcripts and to accumulate antisense piRNA complexes in order to ensure both specification and maintenance of germ cells. Overall design: Single cell were sorted directly in Trizolfrom embryos spawned by mz tdrd6a-/- mother and wt mother carrying a kop::egfp-f-nos1-3'UTR transgene. Thereafter single cell trizol extractio was performed followed by RT, IVT and RNA-seq library prep.
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