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Accession IconSRP078006

Profiling in vivo Bone Lesion and ex vivo Bone-In-Culture Array Samples by Next-Generation Sequencing

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 17 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconNextSeq 500

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Based on RNA-seq, we performed transcriptomic profiling to examine the similarities or differences between BICA (bone-in-culture array) and IVBL (in vivo bone lesion). CIBERSORT analysis reveals that the major local cellular components are comparable between BICA and IVBL, but differ dramatically in orthotopic tumors. Principle component analysis of human RNAs indicated that the transcriptomic profiles of cancer cells in BICA are more closely mimicking IVBL, as compared to cancer cells in 2D and in orthotopic tumors. These results provide transcriptome-wide evidence supporting BICA as a platform to mimic bone microenvironment. Overall design: 2D culture cells, orthotopic tumors, BICA samples and bone lesions, all developed by MCF-7, are subject to NGS and then analyzed.
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