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Accession IconSRP133615

The multiple myeloma risk allele at 5q15 lowers ELL2 expression and increases ribosomal gene expression [ELL2 rescue]

Organism Icon Homo sapiens
Sample Icon 15 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconNextSeq 500

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To understand the biological mechanism of ELL2 in multiple myeloma (MM), we show that the MM risk allele lowers ELL2 expression in CD138+ plasma cells (Pcombined=2.5×10-27; bcombined=-0.24 s.d.), but not in peripheral blood or other tissues. Consistent with this, several variants representing the MM risk allele map to regulatory genomic regions, and three yield reduced transcriptional activity in plasmocytoma cell lines. One of these (rs3777189-C) co-locates with the best-supported lead variants for ELL2 expression and MM risk, and reduces binding of MAFF/G/K family transcription factors. Moreover, further analysis reveals that the MM risk allele associates with upregulation of gene sets related to ribosome biogenesis, and knockout/knockdown and rescue experiments in plasmocytoma cell lines support a cause-effect relationship. Overall design: Reconstitution of ELL2 expression in L363-ELL2-knockout cells
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