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Accession IconSRP137014

Comparative Transcriptomics of STR/ort, C57BL/6 and MRL/MpJ Knee Joints

Organism Icon Mus musculus
Sample Icon 100 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2000

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Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) often result in post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). PTOA accounts for ~12% of all osteoarthritis (OA) cases, yet the mechanisms contributing to OA after joint injury are not well understood. To better understand the molecular mechanisms behind PTOA development following ACL injury, we profiled ACL injury-induced gene expression changes in knee joints of three mouse strains with varying susceptibility to PTOA: STR/ort (highly susceptible), C57BL/6 (moderately susceptible) and super-healer MRL/MpJ (not susceptible) and identified genes differentially expressed between these strains at 0-day [before injury], 1-day, 1-week, and 2-weeks post-injury. This study highlights many new potential therapeutic targets and OA biomarkers. Overall design: Comparative transcriptomics to understand the molecular changes associated with early stages of PTOA development in STR/ort, C57BL/6 and MRL/MpJ mice and to identify genes that contribute to increased OA susceptibility in STR/ort and resistance to PTOA in MRL/MpJ.
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