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Accession IconSRP142610

Measuring A-to-I RNA editing and gene expression signatures of neuronal populations within the Drosophila brain

Organism Icon Drosophila melanogaster
Sample Icon 29 Downloadable Samples
Technology Badge IconIllumina HiSeq 2500

Submitter Supplied Information

We used an improved INTACT (Isolation of Nuclei Tagged in A specific Cell Type) technique to isolate RNA from purified nuclei from different neuronal populations of the Drosophila brain. Using RNA-seq, we determined gene expression and A-to-I RNA editing levels at editing sites across nine distinct neuronal sub-populations and a pan-neuronal control. Overall design: We crossed UAS-unc84-2XGFP transgenic flies with 10 different GAL4 drivers (Dh44-GAL4, NPF-GAL4, NPFR-GAL4, Tdc2-GAL4, Crz-GALl4, TH-GAL4, Trh-GAL4, Fru-GAL4, OK107-GAL4, and elav-GAL4), immunoprecipitated tagged nuclei and extracted RNA. Three independent replicates of each each cross were performed to isolate RNA for RNA-sequencing.
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