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Enhancer sequence variants and transcription-factor deregulation synergize to construct pathogenic regulatory circuits in B-cell lymphoma.
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View SamplesMost B cell lymphomas arise in the germinal center (GC), where humoral immune responses evolve from potentially oncogenic cycles of mutation, proliferation, and clonal selection. Although lymphoma gene expression diverges significantly from GC-B cells, underlying mechanisms that alter the activities of corresponding regulatory elements (REs) remain elusive. Here we define the complete pathogenic circuitry of human follicular lymphoma (FL), which activates or decommissions transcriptional circuits from normal GC-B cells and commandeers enhancers from other lineages. Moreover, independent sets of transcription factors, whose expression is deregulated in FL, target commandeered versus decommissioned REs. Our approach reveals two distinct subtypes of low-grade FL, whose pathogenic circuitries resemble GC-B or activated B cells. Remarkably, FL-altered enhancers also are enriched for sequence variants, including somatic mutations, which disrupt transcription factor binding and expression of circuit-linked genes. Thus, the pathogenic regulatory circuitry of FL reveals distinct genetic and epigenetic etiologies for GC-B transformation.
Enhancer sequence variants and transcription-factor deregulation synergize to construct pathogenic regulatory circuits in B-cell lymphoma.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesGene expression profiling leading to the identification of novel components in the EDS1/PAD4-regulated defence pathway
Salicylic acid-independent ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 signaling in Arabidopsis immunity and cell death is regulated by the monooxygenase FMO1 and the Nudix hydrolase NUDT7.
Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesArabidopsis thaliana genes MLO2 (Mildew resistance locus-O 2), MLO6 and MLO12 exhibit unequal genetic redundancy with respect to the modulation of defense responses against powdery mildew fungi and the control of developmental phenotypes such as premature leaf decay. We show that early chlorosis and necrosis of rosette leaves in mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutants reflects an authentic but untimely leaf senescence program. Comparative transcriptional profiling revealed that transcripts of several genes encoding tryptophan/indole biosynthetic enzymes hyper-accumulate during vegetative development in the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutant. Elevated expression levels of these genes correlate with altered steady-state levels of several indolic metabolites, including the phytoalexin camalexin and indolic glucosinolates, during development in the mlo2 single and the mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 triple mutant. Results of genetic epistasis analysis suggest a decisive role for indolic metabolites in mlo2-conditioned antifungal defense against both biotrophic powdery mildews and a camalexin-sensitive strain of the necrotrophic fungus, Botrytis cinerea. The wound- and pathogen-responsive callose synthase Powdery mildew resistance 4/Glucan-synthase-like 5 (PMR4/GSL5) was found to be responsible for the spontaneous callose deposits in mlo2 mutant plants but dispensable for mlo2-conditioned penetration resistance. Our data strengthen the notion that powdery mildew resistance of mlo2 genotypes is based on the same defense execution machinery as innate antifungal immune responses that restrict invasion of non-adapted fungal pathogens.
Tryptophan-derived metabolites are required for antifungal defense in the Arabidopsis mlo2 mutant.
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View SamplesUnlike human hearts, zebrafish hearts efficiently regenerate after injury. Regeneration is driven by the strong proliferation response of its cardiomyocytes to injury. In this study, we show that active telomerase is required for cardiomyocyte proliferation and full organ recovery, supporting the potential of telomerase therapy as a means of stimulating cell proliferation upon myocardial infarction. Overall design: Heart transcriptomes of WT and telomerase defective adult zebrafish animals were profiled by RNASeq, in control conditions and 3 days after heart cryoinjury.
Telomerase Is Essential for Zebrafish Heart Regeneration.
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View SamplesBariatric surgery, an effective treatment for obesity and diabetes, leads to profound remodeling of whole body energy homeostasis. We utilized a mouse model of vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), a common bariatric surgery as a tool to identify novel secreted proteins and peptides that might act as important metabolic regulators. We analyzed gene expression in the stomach and intestines following VSG or sham surgery in diet-induced obese mice and sought to identify differentially regulated genes encoding secreted proteins/peptides. Overall design: Gene expression analysis of 5 different mouse intestinal tissues after VSG or sham surgery
LEAP2 Is an Endogenous Antagonist of the Ghrelin Receptor.
Specimen part, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesComparative microarray-based transcriptome analysis of A. thaliana mlo2 mlo6 mlo12 mutants and wild type plants upon Golovinomyces orontii inoculation revealed an increased and accelerated accumulation of many defense-related transcripts. Despite the biotrophic nature of the interaction, this included the non-canonical activation of a jasmonic acid/ethylene-dependent transcriptional program.
Key Components of Different Plant Defense Pathways Are Dispensable for Powdery Mildew Resistance of the Arabidopsis <i>mlo2 mlo6 mlo12</i> Triple Mutant.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesComparative transcriptomic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana yda11 plants (in Col-0 background), and wild-type plants (Col-0) non-infected or infected with the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM (PcBMM)
YODA MAP3K kinase regulates plant immune responses conferring broad-spectrum disease resistance.
Specimen part, Treatment, Time
View SamplesVitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased esophageal cancer risk. Vitamin D controls many downstream regulators of cellular processes including proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. We evaluated the effects of vitamin D supplementation on global gene expression in patients with Barrett's esophagus.
A nonrandomized trial of vitamin D supplementation for Barrett's esophagus.
Specimen part
View SamplesRegulatory T cells (Treg) are common in the tumor microenvironment in both human pancreatic cancer and in genetically engineered mouse models of the disease. Previous studies in orthotopic syngeneic models of pancreatic cancer -recapitulated in our own data- indicated that Treg depletion results CD8+ T cell-mediated tumor regression. In human patients and in mouse models, regulatory T cells accumulate during the onset of Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN), the earliest steps of carcinogenesis. We thus generated a genetic model to investigate the role of regulatory T cells during the onset of pancreatic carcinogenesis. Unexpectedly, depletion of Tregs during early stages of carcinogenesis led to accelerated tumor progression. Overall design: We are using KC;Foxp3DTR mice generated by crossing KC (Ptf1a-Cre;LSL-KrasG12D) with Foxp3DTR (B6.129(Cg)-Foxp3tm3(DTR/GFP)Ayr/J, Jackson Laboratory). We depleted Foxp3-expressing Tregs by Diphtheria Toxin (DT) injection to determine the requirement of Tregs during oncogenic Kras induced Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN) formation and maintenance. To investigate the mechanisms underlying the tumor-promoting effect of Treg depletion in KC; Foxp3DTR mice we performed RNA sequencing (RNAseq) for myeloid cells (DAPI-EpCAM-CD45+CD11b+) flow-sorted from KC and KC; Foxp3DTR pancreata.
Regulatory T-cell Depletion Alters the Tumor Microenvironment and Accelerates Pancreatic Carcinogenesis.
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