The hair of all mammals consists of terminally differentiated cells that undergo a specialized form of apoptosis called cornification. While DNA is destroyed during cornification, the extent to which RNA is lost is unknown. Here we find that multiple types of RNA are incompletely degraded after hair shaft formation in both mouse and human. Notably, mRNAs and short regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) are stable in the hair as far as 10 cm from the scalp. To better characterize the post-apoptotic RNAs that escape degradation in the hair, we performed sequencing (RNA-seq) on RNA isolated from hair shafts pooled from several individuals. This hair shaft RNA library, which encompasses different hair types, genders, and populations, revealed 7,193 mRNAs, 449 miRNAs and thousands of unannotated transcripts that remain in the post-apoptotic hair. A comparison of the hair shaft RNA library to that of viable keratinocytes revealed surprisingly similar patterns of gene coverage and indicates that degradation of RNA is highly inefficient during apoptosis of hair lineages. The generation of a hair shaft RNA library could be used as months of accumulated transcriptional history useful for retrospective detection of disease, drug response and environmental exposure.
The post-apoptotic fate of RNAs identified through high-throughput sequencing of human hair.
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View SamplesRodent models are widely used to study diabetes. Yet, significant gaps remain in our understanding of mouse islet physiology. We generated comprehensive transcriptomes of mouse delta, beta and alpha cells using two separate triple transgenic mouse models generated for this purpose. This enables systematic comparison across thousands of genes between the three major endocrine cell types of the islets of Langerhans whose principal hormones control nutrient homeostasis. Overall design: FACS purified delta or alpha cells and beta cells from the same islets. Islets were isolated from triple transgenic offspring of a cross between mIns1-H2b-mCherry (Jax # 028589) and either Sst-Cre (delta) or Gcg-cre (alpha) cells and a floxed YFP allele to label delta or alpha cells, respectively. Islets from replicate groups of 10 to 12 triple transgenic animals for each group were pooled by sex to obtain sufficient material. Pooled islets were dissociated, sorted and collect in Trizol for RNA isolation and library construction.
Comprehensive alpha, beta and delta cell transcriptomes reveal that ghrelin selectively activates delta cells and promotes somatostatin release from pancreatic islets.
Sex, Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesThe aim of this study was to characterize expression profiles of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue in children. Adipose tissue samples were collected from children having elective surgery (n=71, [54 boys], 6.0 +- 4.3 years). Affymetrix microarrays (n=20) were performed to characterize the functional profile and identify genes of interest in adipose tissue. Visceral adipose tissue had an overrepresentation of Gene Ontology themes related to immune and inflammatory responses and subcutaneous adipose tissue had an overrepresentation of themes related to adipocyte growth and development. Likewise, qPCR performed in the whole cohort showed a 30-fold increase in haptoglobin (P < 0.005), 7-fold increase in IL-10 (P < 0.001), 8-fold decrease in VEGF (P < 0.01) and a 28-fold decrease in TBOX15 (P < 0.001) in visceral compared to subcutaneous adipose tissue.The inflammatory pattern in visceral adipose tissue may represent an early stage of the adverse effects of this depot, and combined with chronic obesity, may contribute to increased metabolic and cardiovascular risk.
An early inflammatory gene profile in visceral adipose tissue in children.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesThe ZMYM2-FGFR1 (formerly known as ZNF198-FGFR1) fusion kinase induces stem cell leukemia-lymphoma syndrome (SCLL), a hematological malignancy characterized by rapid transformation to acute myeloid leukemia and T-lymphoblastic lymphoma.
Constitutive Notch pathway activation in murine ZMYM2-FGFR1-induced T-cell lymphomas associated with atypical myeloproliferative disease.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage, Cell line
View SamplesDevelopment of Pectoralis major has been investigated through gene expression analysis in comparing animals receiving a restricted diet in P and Ca (NC), a normal diet with sufficient level of P and Ca (PC), and a restricted diet supplemented with phytase (Phy1000).
Exploratory transcriptomic analysis in muscle tissue of broilers fed a phytase-supplemented diet.
Specimen part
View SamplesInhibition of the nonsense mediated decay (NMD) mechanism in cells results in stabilization of transcripts carrying premature translation termination codons. A strategy referred to as gene indentification by NMD inhibition (GINI) has been proposed to identify genes carrying nonsense mutations (Noensie & Dietz, 2001). Genes containing frameshift mutations in colon cancer cell line have been identifying mutatnt genes using GINI, we have now further improved the strategy. In this approach, inhibition of NMD with emetine is complemented with inhibiting NMD by blocking the phosphorylation of the hUpf1 protein with caffeine. In addition, to enhance the GINI strategy, comparing mRNA level alterations produced by inhibiting transcription alone or inhbiiting transcription together with NMD following caffeine pretreatment were used for the efficient identification of false positives produced as a result of stress response to NMD inhibition. To demonstrate the improved efficiency of this approach, we analyzed colon cancer cell lines showing microstellite instability. Bi-allelic inactivating mutations were found in the FXR1, SEC1L1, NCOR1, BAT3, PHD14, ZNF294, C190ORF5 genes as well as genes coding for proteins with yet unknown functions.
Identifying candidate colon cancer tumor suppressor genes using inhibition of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in colon cancer cells.
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View SamplesPluripotent-specific inhibitors (PluriSIns) make a powerful tool for studying the mechanisms that control the survival of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Here we characterize PluriSIn#2 as a novel selective indirect inhibitor of topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2A). We find that TOP2A is uniquely expressed in undifferentiated hPSCs, and that its inhibition results in their rapid cell death. These findings reveal a dependency of hPSCs on the activity of TOP2A, which can be harnessed for their selective elimination from culture.
Brief reports: Controlling the survival of human pluripotent stem cells by small molecule-based targeting of topoisomerase II alpha.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesFrom our previous data, we found that loss of ATAD3A gene expression in breast cancer cells results in loss of cell motility in vitro and metastasis in vivo. To obtain a better understanding of oncogenic pathway of ATAD3A, we have established the stable ATAD3A knockdown MDA-MB-231 cells using lentiviral strategy.
Mitochondrial ATAD3A combines with GRP78 to regulate the WASF3 metastasis-promoting protein.
Cell line
View SamplesEffect of ethanol or nicotine exposure on gene expression compared to control. Duplicate arrays from ethanol or nicotine treated animals compared with triplicate arrays from paired control animals. In total 4 treatment arrays (2 ethanol, 2 nicotine) and 3 control arrays (from control animals treated in parallel with ethanol-treated fish and nicotine-treated fish.)
Gene expression changes in a zebrafish model of drug dependency suggest conservation of neuro-adaptation pathways.
Specimen part, Compound
View SamplesIt has been shown that inbred strains of mice exhibit variable susceptibility to S. aureus infection, but the specific genes responsible for this differential phenotype are unknown. Using ISHM to identify genomic regions associated with the phenotypes, we considered genes within those interval to be candidate genes and used the gene expression patterns of the genes contained in the region to determine whether the genes are differentially expressed between the 2 phenotypically different groups of mice.
Haplotype Association Mapping Identifies a Candidate Gene Region in Mice Infected With Staphylococcus aureus.
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