In this study, we examined transcriptional profiles from 3 different microarray platforms, across 103 peripheral blood samples with and without acute rejection, to find a critical gene-set for the diagnosis of acute renal rejection that matched biopsy diagnosis, irrespective of patient demographics, clinical confounders, concomitant infection, immunosuppression usage or sample processing methods. We hypothesized that changes in peripheral blood expression profiles correlate with biopsy-proven rejection, and that these changes could be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prediction of acute rejection.
A peripheral blood diagnostic test for acute rejection in renal transplantation.
Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesIn this study, we examined transcriptional profiles from 3 different microarray platforms, across 103 peripheral blood samples with and without acute rejection, to find a critical gene-set for the diagnosis of acute renal rejection that matched biopsy diagnosis, irrespective of patient demographics, clinical confounders, concomitant infection, immunosuppression usage or sample processing methods. We hypothesized that changes in peripheral blood expression profiles correlate with biopsy-proven rejection, and that these changes could be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prediction of acute rejection.
A peripheral blood diagnostic test for acute rejection in renal transplantation.
Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesPurpose:We have the first-reported set of glial-specific transcripts utilizing the Ribotag model. We use this model to explore glial changes in DNBS-induced inflammation and neurokinin-2 receptor (NK2R) antagonism. Methods: Actively translated mRNA profiles of the distal colon myeneteric plexi of Rpl22(+/-)Sox10(+/-) male and female mice 8-10 weeks old were obtained utilizing the HA-tagged ribosomal immunoprecipitation and downstream RNA extraction. Samples meeting RNA quality standards by 18S and 28S rRNA peaks by 2100 Bioanalyzer and RNA 6000 Nano LabChip Kit (Agilent) were deep sequenced with the Illumina HiSeq 4000. Results: We mapped approximately 30-50 millions reads per sample to the mouse genome (v88) and identified approximately 100K ribosome-associated transcripts, with Tuxedo workflow, in distal colon glial cells with DNBS-induced inflammation and NK2R antagonism and their respective controls. Of these transcripts, changes in biological processes associated with inflammation and other important enteric nervous system communications between samples have been identified. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates the first use of the Ribotag model to provide glial cell-specific actively-translated mRNA changes in DNBS-induced inflammation with and without functional NK2R signalling. Overall design: Distal colon glial mRNA samples from Ribotag Rpl22(+/-)Sox10(+/-) mice administered either saline or DNBS and DMSO vehicle or NK2R antagonism.
Communication Between Enteric Neurons, Glia, and Nociceptors Underlies the Effects of Tachykinins on Neuroinflammation.
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesBackground: Resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy remains a major impediment in the treatment of serous epithelial ovarian cancer. The objective of this study was to use gene expression profiling to delineate major deregulated pathways and biomarkers associated with the development of intrinsic chemotherapy resistance upon exposure to standard first-line therapy for ovarian cancer. Methods: The study cohort comprised 28 patients divided into two groups based on their varying sensitivity to first-line chemotherapy using progression free survival (PFS) as a surrogate of response. All 28 patients had advanced stage, high-grade serous ovarian cancer, and were treated with the same standard platinum-based chemotherapy. Twelve patient tumors demonstrating relative resistance to platinum chemotherapy corresponding to shorter PFS (< eight months) were compared to sixteen tumors from platinum-sensitive patients (PFS > eighteen months). Whole transcriptome profiling was performed using a Affymetrix high-resolution microarray platform to permit global comparisons of gene expression profiles between tumors from the resistant group and the sensitive group. Results: Microarray data analysis revealed a set of 204 discriminating genes possessing expression levels, which could influence differential chemotherapy response between the two groups. Robust statistical testing was then performed which eliminated a dependence on the normalization algorithm employed, producing a restricted list of differentially regulated genes, and which found IGF1 to be the most strongly differentially expressed gene. Pathway analysis, based on the list of 204 genes, revealed enrichment in genes primarily involved in the IGF1/PI3K/NFB/ERK gene signalling networks. Conclusions: This study has identified pathway specific prognostic biomarkers possibly underlying a differential chemotherapy response in patients undergoing standard platinum-based treatment of serous epithelial ovarian cancer. Future studies to validate these markers are necessary to apply this knowledge to biomarker-based clinical trials.
Identification of the IGF1/PI3K/NF κB/ERK gene signalling networks associated with chemotherapy resistance and treatment response in high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer.
Specimen part
View SamplesRegeneration of transgenic cells remains a major obstacle to research and commercial deployment of transgenic plants for most species.
Genome scale transcriptome analysis of shoot organogenesis in Populus.
View SamplesExpression profile of human donor lungs that have developed primary graft dysfunction (PGD) after lung transplantation and those that have not.
Expression profiling of human donor lungs to understand primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation.
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View SamplesPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a relatively common manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis that leads to progressive narrowing of the lumen of leg arteries. Circulating monocytes are in contact with the arterial wall and can serve as reporters of vascular pathology in the setting of PAD. We performed gene expression analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in patients with PAD and controls without PAD to identify differentially regulated genes. We identified 87 genes differentially expressed in the setting of PAD; 40 genes were upregulated and 47 genes were downregulated. We employed an integrated bioinformatics pipeline coupled with literature curation to characterize the functional coherence of differentially regulated genes. Notably, upregulated genes mediate immune response, inflammation, apoptosis, stress response, phosphorylation, hemostasis, platelet activation and platelet aggregation. Downregulated genes included several genes from the zinc finger family that are involved in transcriptional regulation. These results provide insights into molecular mechanisms relevant to the pathophysiology of PAD.
Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the setting of peripheral arterial disease.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesRNA-sequencing was conducted to profile the transcriptome of the post-ischemic mouse cortex at multiple reperfusion time-points. RNA was isolated from sham and middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-operated mice at different reperfusion time points (6 h, 12 h or 24 h; three independent biological replicates per group), converted into cDNA libraries, and used for Illumina deep sequencing on a NexSeq500 instrument. The sequencing reads that passed quality filters were analyzed at the transcript isoform level based on the Tuxedo software package. On average 40.6 million reads were obtained from each sample and genome mapping was on average 82.9% for all samples. We detected 20,748 genes and 56,586 isoforms in the sham group; 22,192 genes and 60,023 isoforms in the 6 h group; 21,771 genes and 59,539 isoforms in the 12 h group; and 21,576 genes and 59,020 isoforms in the 24 h group. Our study represents the first detailed analysis of post-stroke mouse cortex transcriptomes generated using RNA-sequencing technology. Overall design: Genome-wide transcriptomic profiles of healthy and post-ischemic mouse cortices at various reperfusion time-points (6 h, 12 h, or 24 h) were generated using Illumina sequencing.
Deep Sequencing Reveals Uncharted Isoform Heterogeneity of the Protein-Coding Transcriptome in Cerebral Ischemia.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject, Time
View SamplesRagweed challenge in Ragweed (RWE) sensitized animals generates Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the airway epithelium and induces allergic airway inflammation. We want to study the genes induced by ROS generated by RWE. This goal can be achieved by comparing PBS challenge vs. RWE challenge.
Allergen challenge induces Ifng dependent GTPases in the lungs as part of a Th1 transcriptome response in a murine model of allergic asthma.
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View SamplesRice (Oryza sativa, ssp. Japonica, cv. Nipponbare 1) plants were grown in a Conviron PGR 15 growth chamber using precise control of temperature, light, and humidity.<br></br>Diurnal (driven) conditions included 12L:12D light cycles and 31C/20C thermocycles in three different combinations. These were: photocycles (LDHH), 12 hrs. light (L)/12 hrs. dark (D) at a constant temperature (31C; HH); photo/thermocycles (LDHC): 12 hrs. light (L) /12 hrs. dark (D) with a high day temperature (31C) and a low night temperature (20C); and thermocycles (LLHC): continuous light (LL) with 12 hrs. high/12 hrs. low temperature (31C, day; 20C, night). Light intensity and relative humidity were 1000 micromol m-2s-2 and 60%, respectively.<br></br>Three-month-old rice plants were entrained for at least one week under the respective condition prior to initiation of each experiment. Leaves and stems from individual rice plants were collected every four hours for 48 hrs in driven (diurnal) conditions followed by a two day freerun spacer under continuous light/temperature followed by two additional days of sampling under the same continuous free run condition.<br></br>
Global profiling of rice and poplar transcriptomes highlights key conserved circadian-controlled pathways and cis-regulatory modules.
Age, Specimen part, Time
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