The RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) pathway in plants controls gene expression via cytosine DNA methylation. The ability to manipulate RdDM would shed light on the mechanisms and applications of DNA methylation to control gene expression. Here, we identified diverse RdDM proteins that are capable of targeting methylation and silencing in Arabidopsis when tethered to an artificial zinc finger (ZF-RdDM). We studied their order of action within the RdDM pathway by testing their ability to target methylation in different mutants. We also evaluated ectopic siRNA biogenesis, RNA Polymerase V (Pol V) recruitment, targeted DNA methylation, and gene expression changes at thousands of ZF-RdDM targets. We found that co-targeting both arms of the RdDM pathway, siRNA biogenesis and Pol V recruitment, dramatically enhanced targeted methylation. This work defines how RdDM components establish DNA methylation, and enables new strategies for epigenetic gene regulation via targeted DNA methylation. Overall design: 40 RNA-seq
Co-targeting RNA Polymerases IV and V Promotes Efficient De Novo DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis.
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View SamplesTotal RNA from three replicate cultures of wild-type and mutant strains was isolated and the expression profiles were determined using Affymetrix arrays. Comparisons between the sample groups allow the identification of genes regulated by histone H2B K111A mutant.
Novel functional residues in the core domain of histone H2B regulate yeast gene expression and silencing and affect the response to DNA damage.
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View SamplesTotal RNA from three replicate cultures of wild-type and mutant strains was isolated and the expression profiles were determined using Affymetrix arrays. Comparisons between the sample groups allow the identification of genes regulated by histone H2B R102A mutant.
Novel functional residues in the core domain of histone H2B regulate yeast gene expression and silencing and affect the response to DNA damage.
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View SamplesExamined gene expression changes in a histone H2A R78A mutant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae relative to wild-type cells. THe overall goal of this study was to determine the functions of histone 'sprocket' arginine residues, which insert into the DNA minor groove in the nucleosome. We examined the roles of sprocket arginine mutants in gene expression, histone incorporation, and DNA repair.
Histone Sprocket Arginine Residues Are Important for Gene Expression, DNA Repair, and Cell Viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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View SamplesThe use of low quality RNA samples in whole-genome gene expression profiling remains controversial. It is unclear if transcript degradation in low quality RNA samples occurs uniformly, in which case the effects of degradation can be normalized, or whether different transcripts are degraded at different rates, potentially biasing measurements of expression levels. This concern has rendered the use of low quality RNA samples in whole-genome expression profiling problematic. Yet, low quality samples are at times the sole means of addressing specific questions – e.g., samples collected in the course of fieldwork.
RNA-seq: impact of RNA degradation on transcript quantification.
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View SamplesIn this study we compared genes expressed in the unbudded portion of the Wolffian duct with the isolated ureteric bud to find genes novel to early kidney development. We used the Affymetrix Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array to compare the unbudded tissues with the budded samples.
Neuropeptide Y functions as a facilitator of GDNF-induced budding of the Wolffian duct.
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Genetic Variation, Not Cell Type of Origin, Underlies the Majority of Identifiable Regulatory Differences in iPSCs.
Sex, Age
View SamplesAnalysis of contribution of cell type of origin and individual to gene expression differences in iPSCs. The hypothesis tested in the present study was that cell type of origin affects iPSC gene expression. Results show that individual has a much stronger effect than cell type of origin on differences between iPSCs derived from multiple individuals.
Genetic Variation, Not Cell Type of Origin, Underlies the Majority of Identifiable Regulatory Differences in iPSCs.
Sex, Age
View SamplesTCERG1 is a highly conserved human protein implicated in interactions with the transcriptional and splicing machinery. To investigate TCERG1 function, we survey genome-wide changes in transcript and exon levels upon TCERG1 knockdown in HEK293T cells. Our data revealed that TCERG1 regulates different types of alternative spliced events, indicating a broad role in the regulation of alternative splicing.
Transcriptional Elongation Regulator 1 Affects Transcription and Splicing of Genes Associated with Cellular Morphology and Cytoskeleton Dynamics and Is Required for Neurite Outgrowth in Neuroblastoma Cells and Primary Neuronal Cultures.
Cell line
View SamplesmiRNA-Sequencing was performed on human aortic valve interestitial cells (AVICs) exposed to 14% stretch at 1 hz or static conditions for 24h. Overall design: Six static control and six samples exposed to cyclic stretch 14% for 24h
The stretch responsive microRNA miR-148a-3p is a novel repressor of IKBKB, NF-κB signaling, and inflammatory gene expression in human aortic valve cells.
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