Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, principally aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, ASA), have anti-neoplastic properties, as shown by epidemiological studies on colorectal cancer and many other types of tumours. The chemopreventive and anti-proliferative properties of aspirin towards tumour cells have been shown to be due to the induction of programmed cell death such as apoptosis. Yeast cells are among the experimental models used extensively for the study of oxidative stress and apoptosis in living organisms because yeast, such as S. cerevisiae, retains many of the core eukaryotic cellular processes, including the hallmarks of eukaryotic apoptosis. An important contribution of our previous work has been the clarification of the critical defensive role of the antioxidant mitochondrial enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) against apoptosis, confirmed to be the attenuation of aspirin-induced superoxide radical accumulation in the yeast mitochondria (Farrugia et al. (2013) FEMS Yeast Res 13, 755-768). To study the possible differential expression of gene transcripts in relation to the induction of apoptosis by aspirin, we used gene expression profiling by means of GeneChip Microarray Technology (Affymetrix). The yeast strains considered for this study included (1) the wild type strain S. cerevisiae EG103, which contains both MnSOD and cytosolic copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) and (2) the redox-compromised MnSOD-deficient S. cerevisiae EG110 strain. [This work was financed by the Malta Council for Science and Technology through the R&I Technology Development Programme (Project R&I-2015-001)].
Aspirin impairs acetyl-coenzyme A metabolism in redox-compromised yeast cells.
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View SamplesTime-course and concentration-effect experiments with multiple time points and drug concentrations provide far more valuable information than experiments with just two design-points (treated vs. control), as commonly performed in most microarray studies. Analysis of the data from such complex experiments, however, remains a challenge. Here we present a semi-automated method for fitting time profiles and concentration-effect patterns, simultaneously, to gene expression data. The submodels for time-course included exponential increase and decrease models with parameters such as initial expression level, maximum effect, and rate-constant (or half-time). The submodel for concentration-effect was a 4-parameter Hill model.
Simultaneous modeling of concentration-effect and time-course patterns in gene expression data from microarrays.
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View SamplesThermal injury incites inflammatory responses that often transcend the local environment and lead to structural deficiencies in skin that give way to scar formation. We hypothesized that extensive perturbations within burned skin following thermal insult and during subsequent events of wound repair induce vast alterations in gene expression that likely serve as a wound and systemic healing deterrent. A high-throughput microarray experiment was designed to analyze genetic expression patterns and identify potential genes to target for therapeutic augmentation or silencing. The study compares gene expression from burn wound margins at various times following thermal injury to expression observed in normal skin. Utilizing this design, we report that the totality of gene expression alterations is indeed enormous. Further, we observed that the differential expression of many inflammatory and immune response genes appear to be continually up-regulated in burn wound margins seven days or more after initial thermal insult. As it is well established that the inflammatory process must abate for wound healing to proceed, the finding of ongoing local inflammation is cause for further investigation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the gene expression alterations induced by thermal injury of human skin. As such, it provides a wealth of data to mine with the ultimate goal of better understanding the local pathophysiologic changes at the site of thermal injury that not only affect wound healing capacity, but may also contribute to systemic derangements within the burn patient.
A microarray analysis of temporal gene expression profiles in thermally injured human skin.
View SamplesWe tamoxifen treated 8-12 week old mice that had floxed alleles of the following: 1) both Apc alleles (giving rise to Apc truncation/inactivation); 2) both Cdx2 alleles (giving rise to Cdx2 inactivation; 3) one Braf allele, that upon Cre-mediated recombination gives a Braf V600E mutant allele (details below), and 4) the combination of both the Cdx2 alleles and the BrafV600E allele. All four of those groups also had a CDX2P-CreERT2 transgene that expresses Cre recombinase fused to a tamoxifen-regulated fragment of the estrogen receptor ligand binding domain. CreERT2 expression occurs only in tissues where the Cdx2 gene is expressed, which is almost exclusively in adult mouse cecum and colon epithelium. A fifth group of mice had the floxed Cdx2 alleles, but no CDX2P-CreERT2 gene. Treating the mice having CDX2P-CreERT2 with tamoxifen permits the Cre recombinase to enter the cell nucleus and recombine the Apc, Braf, and/or Cdx2 alleles containing loxP sequence elements. Mice were treated with intraperitoneal injection of tamoxifen dissolved in corn oil. Three mice per group were used. The control mice did not develop tumors or any morphological or histological changes in their epithelium, but their colons were used to create the 3 control samples. To obtain the BrafV600E allele we used a genetically engineered mouse line previously described by Dankort et al. (Genes Dev 2007, 21:379-84) that can express the BrafV600E mutant protein following Cre-mediated recombination. The Braf(CA) (Braf-Cre-activated) allele mice carry a gene-targeted allele of Braf, where Braf sequences from exons 15-18 are present in the normal mouse Braf intron 14, followed by a mutated exon 15 (carrying the V600E mutation). The exon 15-18 sequence element is flanked by loxP sites. In the absence of Cre-mediated recombination, the Braf(CA) allele expresses a wild type Braf protein. Following Cre-mediated recombination, the Braf exon 15-18 element is removed, and the Braf(CA) allele then encodes the Braf V600E protein (from the introduced mutated exon 15). RNA was purified from tumor or normal tissue, and targets for Affymetrix arrays were synthesized from the mRNAs. We used Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.1 ST arrays, which hold 41345 probe-sets, but we largely analyzed just those 25216 probe-sets that were mapped to Entrez gene IDs. Raw data was processed with the Robust Multi-array Average algorithm (RMA). Data is log2-transformed transcript abundance estimates. We fit a one-way ANOVA model to the five groups of samples. We supply a supplementary excel workbook that holds the same data as the data matrix file, but also holds the probe-set annotation at the time we analyzed the data, and some simple statistical calculations, which selects subsets of the probe-sets as differentially expressed between pairs of groups, as well as significant Cdx2-/- by Braf V600E interactions. It also gives the homologous human gene IDs we used for enrichment testing, which were 1-to-1 best homologs according to build 68 of NCBI's Homologene. A second supplementary sheet shows the data we enrichment tested after collapsing to distinct human homologs, joins of the results of tests with GSE4045 data and of tests with TCGA data to the mouse genes, and the intersections of selected genes in those data set with our gene selections in mouse. Consumers should consider obtaining more up-to-date probe-set annotation for the array platform.
BRAF<sup>V600E</sup> cooperates with CDX2 inactivation to promote serrated colorectal tumorigenesis.
Sex, Treatment
View SamplesIn the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) an important contingent of dopaminergic neurons are localized in the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area of the ventral midbrain. They constitute an anatomically and functionally heterogeneous group of cells involved in a variety of regulatory mechanisms, from locomotion to emotional/motivational behavior. Midbrain dopaminergic neuron (mDA) primary cultures represent a useful tool to study molecular mechanisms involved in their development and maintenance. Considerable information has been gathered on the mDA neurons development and maturation in vivo, as well as on the molecular features of mDA primary cultures. Here we investigated in detail the gene expression differences between the tissue of origin and ventral midbrain primary cultures enriched in mDA neurons, using microarray technique. We integrated the results based on different re-annotations of the microarray probes. By using knowledge-based gene network techniques and promoter sequence analysis, we also uncovered mechanisms that might regulate the expression of CNS genes involved in the definition of the identity of specific cell types in the ventral midbrain. We integrate bioinformatics and functional genomics, together with developmental neurobiology. Moreover, we propose guidelines for the computational analysis of microarray gene expression data. Our findings help to clarify some molecular aspects of the development and differentiation of DA neurons within the midbrain.
Comparison of gene expression profile in embryonic mesencephalon and neuronal primary cultures.
Specimen part, Disease
View SamplesComparison of BOLITA mutant leaves (gain-of-function mutant) vs. wild type leaves, grown in the same conditions. The BOLITA (BOL) gene (At1g24590), an AP2/ERF transcription factor, was characterized with the help of an activation tag mutant and overexpression lines in Arabidopsis and tobacco. The leaf size of plants overexpressing BOL was smaller than wild type plants due to a reduction in both cell size and cell number. Moreover, severe overexpressors showed ectopic callus formation in roots. Accordingly, global gene expression analysis using the overexpression mutant reflected the alterations in cell proliferation, differentiation and growth through expression changes in RBR, CYCD, and TCP genes, as well as genes involved in cell expansion (i.e. expansins and the actin remodeling factor ADF5). Furthermore, the expression of hormone signaling (i.e. auxin and cytokinin), biosynthesis (i.e. ethylene and jasmonic acid) and regulatory genes was found to be perturbed in bol-D mutant leaves. The gene is expressed at the shoot apical meristem, and more intensely at leaf primordia. It is also expressed at very young leaves, and flower buds. The gene is closely related to DORNROSCHEN.
BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesMicroarray was used to study global gene expression of a cell culture model based on SV40-immortalized human corneal epithelial (iHCE) cells. The gene expression profile of the cell line was compared to the normal human corneal epithelium. Affymetrix HG-U133A GeneChips were used for microarray experiments and results were validated by performing RT-qPCR for selected genes. iHCE was found to over- and under-express 22 % and 14 % of the annotated genes, respectively. The results of this study suggest that differences between iHCE cells and normal corneal epithelium are substantial and therefore the use of these cells in corneal research should be considered with caution.
Gene expression analysis in SV-40 immortalized human corneal epithelial cells cultured with an air-liquid interface.
Cell line
View Samples183 breast tumors from the Helsinki Univerisity Central Hospital with survival information
Variants on the promoter region of PTEN affect breast cancer progression and patient survival.
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View SamplesTo identify novel Nurr1 target genes we have used microarrays strategies in rat midbrain primary cultures, enriched in dopaminergic neurons, by the action of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, 20ng/ml) and Sonic hedgedog (SHH), following upregulation of Nurr1 expression by depolarization.To this aim we have treated the cultures after 9 days in vitro for 2h with high KCl and collected 30 min or 2 h after the end of depolarization (2h + 30 min or 2h + 2h). With this experimental protocol we have identify a putative Nurr1 regulator and Nurr1 target
Bdnf gene is a downstream target of Nurr1 transcription factor in rat midbrain neurons in vitro.
Specimen part
View SamplesHair Follicle regeneration relies on both epithelial components (bulge and hair germ cells) and a mesenchymal one (dermal papilla cells).
A two-step mechanism for stem cell activation during hair regeneration.
Specimen part
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