To identify novel PPARalpha target genes involved in lipid metabolism
Evolutionarily conserved gene family important for fat storage.
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View SamplesHepatitis C Virus (HCV) has a extremely narrow host cell tropism and robustly infects only very few cell lines, most importantly the human hepatoma cell line Huh7. This cell line was isolated from a 57-year old Japanese male with fulminant hepatitis. Different subclones and passages of the Huh7 cell line show up to 1000-fold differences in HCV replication efficiency (permissiveness). In this experiment, we sought to identify factors responsible for these differences by correlating gene expression from eight different uninfected Huh7 variants with their respective HCV permissiveness. HCV replication efficiency was determined using electroporation of a subgenomic luciferase reporter replicon (genotype 1b, "con1/ET") and measuring luciferase activity at 48h post transfection normalized to the input value at 4h p.t.. "Relative permissiveness" of cell lines corresponds to their replication efficiency, normalized to the efficiency in the lowest permissive cells (Huh7 p13 and p28).
Replication vesicles are load- and choke-points in the hepatitis C virus lifecycle.
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View SamplesPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has a characteristically dense stroma comprised predominantly of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). CAFs promote tumor growth, metastasis and treatment resistance. We aimed to investigate the molecular changes and functional consequences associated with chemotherapy treatment of PDAC CAFs.
Chemotherapy-Induced Inflammatory Gene Signature and Protumorigenic Phenotype in Pancreatic CAFs via Stress-Associated MAPK.
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View SamplesAutoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a recently identified disease of the pancreas with unknown etiology and antigens. The aim of this study was to determine new target antigens and differentially regulated genes and proteins by means of transcriptomics and proteomics and to validate them in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis. Here we report a distinct downregulation at the RNA and protein level of pancreatic proteases (anionic trypsinogen, cationic trypsinogen, mesotrypsinogen, elastase IIIB) and pancreatic stone protein in autoimmune pancreatitis in comparison to alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis.
Autoantibodies against the exocrine pancreas in autoimmune pancreatitis: gene and protein expression profiling and immunoassays identify pancreatic enzymes as a major target of the inflammatory process.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease
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Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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View SamplesCLK targets from fly heads using the TIM-GAL4; UAS-CLKGR line
Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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View Samples6 Timepoint microarray from control strain
Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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View Samples6 Timepoints from 5073 strain
Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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View SamplesExperiments performed in S2 cells to identify direct CLK targets
Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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View SamplesS2 cells transfected with pAc-Clk or empty vector
Clockwork Orange is a transcriptional repressor and a new Drosophila circadian pacemaker component.
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