This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Defining CD4 T cell memory by the epigenetic landscape of CpG DNA methylation.
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View SamplesMemory T cells are primed for rapid responses to antigen; however, the molecular mechanisms responsible for priming remain incompletely defined. CpG methylation in promoters is an epigenetic modification, which regulates gene transcription. Using targeted bisulfite sequencing, we examined methylation of 2100 genes (56,000 CpG) mapped by deep sequencing to T cell activation in human nave and memory CD4 T cells. 466 CpGs (132 genes) displayed differential methylation between nave and memory cells. 21 genes exhibited both differential methylation and gene expression before activation, linking promoter DNA methylation states to gene regulation; 6 genes encode proteins closely studied in T cells while 15 genes represent novel targets for further study. 39 genes exhibited reduced methylation in memory cells coupled with increased gene expression with activation compared to nave cells, revealing specific genes more rapidly expressed in memory compared to nave cells and potentially regulated by DNA methylation. These findings define a DNA methylation signature unique to memory CD4 T cells and correlated with activation-induced gene expression.
Defining CD4 T cell memory by the epigenetic landscape of CpG DNA methylation.
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View SamplesMemory T cells are primed for rapid responses to antigen; however, the molecular mechanisms responsible for priming remain incompletely defined. CpG methylation in promoters is an epigenetic modification, which regulates gene transcription. Using targeted bisulfite sequencing, we examined methylation of 2100 genes (56,000 CpG) mapped by deep sequencing to T cell activation in human naïve and memory CD4 T cells. 466 CpGs (132 genes) displayed differential methylation between naïve and memory cells. 21 genes exhibited both differential methylation and gene expression before activation, linking promoter DNA methylation states to gene regulation; 6 genes encode proteins closely studied in T cells while 15 genes represent novel targets for further study. 39 genes exhibited reduced methylation in memory cells coupled with increased gene expression with activation compared to naïve cells, revealing specific genes more rapidly expressed in memory compared to naïve cells and potentially regulated by DNA methylation. These findings define a DNA methylation signature unique to memory CD4 T cells and correlated with activation-induced gene expression. Overall design: RNA sequencing of primary human naïve and memory CD4 T cells at rest and 48 hours post-activation.
Defining CD4 T cell memory by the epigenetic landscape of CpG DNA methylation.
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View SamplesWe established a Tet-On inducible cell line expressing N-terminal Flag-tagged wild-type by doxycycline. We immunoprecipitated Flag-TRBP by anti-FLAG antibody.
LGP2 virus sensor regulates gene expression network mediated by TRBP-bound microRNAs.
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View SamplesThe Golgi stress response is a homeostatic mechanism that augments the functional capacity of the Golgi apparatus when Golgi function becomes insufficient (Golgi stress). Three response pathways of the Golgi stress response have been identified in mammalian cells, the TFE3, HSP47 and CREB3 pathways, which augment the capacity of specific Golgi functions such as N-glycosylation, anti-apoptotic activity and pro-apoptotic activity, respectively. On the contrary, glycosylation of proteoglycans (PGs) is another important function of the Golgi, although the response pathway upregulating expression of glycosylation enzymes for PGs in response to Golgi stress remains unknown. Here, we found that expression of glycosylation enzymes for PGs was induced upon insufficiency of PG glycosylation capacity in the Golgi (PG-Golgi stress), and that transcriptional induction of genes encoding glycosylation enzymes for PGs was independent of the known Golgi stress response pathways and ER stress response. Promoter analyses of genes encoding these glycosylation enzymes revealed the novel enhancer element PGSE, which regulates their transcriptional induction upon PG-Golgi stress. From these observations, the response pathway we discovered is a novel Golgi stress response pathway, which we have named the PG pathway. Overall design: Three control samples (DMSO-treated) and three 4MU-xyloside-treated samples
PGSE Is a Novel Enhancer Regulating the Proteoglycan Pathway of the Mammalian Golgi Stress Response.
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesCombinatorial control of gene expression by the three yeast repressors Mig1, Mig2 and Mig3
Combinatorial control of gene expression by the three yeast repressors Mig1, Mig2 and Mig3.
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View SamplesUsing wild type and Ash1l deltaSET mutant embryonic stem cells, here we report differences of gene expression pattern under undifferentiated state and differentiated state. Interestingly, gene expression changes are frequently observed in a subset of gene group that is regulated by Polycomb group proteins. Overall design: Examination of 2 cell types in 2 different conditions.
Ash1l methylates Lys36 of histone H3 independently of transcriptional elongation to counteract polycomb silencing.
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View SamplesThe response to nitrogen starvation was studied in S. pombe. This experiment contains expression data from Affymetrix Yeast 2.0 arrays.
Nitrogen depletion in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe causes nucleosome loss in both promoters and coding regions of activated genes.
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PTTG1 overexpression in adrenocortical cancer is associated with poor survival and represents a potential therapeutic target.
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View SamplesBackground: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is associated with poor survival rates. The objective of the study was to analyze ACC gene expression profiling data prognostic biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets.
PTTG1 overexpression in adrenocortical cancer is associated with poor survival and represents a potential therapeutic target.
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