RNA-seq libraries were generated on thymic epithelial cell (TEC) subsets from thymic samples (11 days to 3 months of age). Cells were sorted to isolate cortical TEC (cTEC), MHC low medullary TEC (mTEClo) and MHC high medullary TEC (mTEChi). Between 7,575 and 50,000 cells were isolated for each sample. TEC were isolated using CD45 MACS depletion followed by the sorting protocol described in Stoeckler et al. J Vis Exp 2013 (PMID 24084687; doi: 10.3791/50951). The study has been granted ethical approval and is publicly listed (IRAS ID 156910, CPMS 19587). Overall design: 1 sample for each of cTEC, mTEClo and mTEChi were generated on a total of 3 individuals (~50,000 cells per sample) and 3 replicates for each of cTEC, mTEClo and mTEChi were generated on 1 individual (7,575 cells per sample)
Keratinocyte growth factor impairs human thymic recovery from lymphopenia.
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View SamplesCarboplatin and paclitaxel are the most widely prescribed chemotherapeutic agents for ovarian cancer. Not all patients respond to treatment, so there is a need for biomarkers that reliably predict resistance in ovarian tumors. Expression of such biomarkers may be dynamically controlled. Gene expression was assessed for a period of 14 days after treatment with carboplatin or combined carboplatin-paclitaxel in xenografts from two ovarian cancer models: chemosensitive serous adenocarcinoma derived OV1002 and slow growing, chemoresistant HOX424 of clear cell origin. Tumour volume reduction was observed in both cell lines post treatment, with a more prominent effect in OV1002, which subsided in late time points. In OV1002, hierarchical clustering classified differentially expressed genes into four time-related patterns, upregulated and downregulated groups for each early and late expressed genes. Upregulated genes were involved in DNA repair, cell cycle and apoptosis, while downregulated groups were involved in oxygen consuming metabolic processes and apoptosis control. Carboplatin-paclitaxel treatment triggered a more comprehensive response. HOX424 responded only to the combined treatment, while the observed reduction in tumour growth was limited. Several apoptosis and cell cycle genes were upregulated, while Wnt signaling was downregulated in the exclusively late expression pattern observed in this cell line. Late downregulated gene groups post carboplatin-taxane treatment were capable of predicting overall survival in two independent clinical datesets. Pathways overrepresented in these clusters were also predictive of outcome. This longitudinal gene expression study may help characterization of chemotherapy response, identification of resistance biomarkers and guiding timing of biopsies.
Chemotherapy-induced dynamic gene expression changes in vivo are prognostic in ovarian cancer.
Disease, Disease stage, Time
View SamplesThe molecular mechanisms regulating endothelial to hematopoietic transition (EHT) of hemogenic endothelium (HE) are poorly understood. Here we profile the transcriptional changes resulting from SOX7 overexpression during EHT Overall design: FLK1+ cells were sorted from day 3.5 iSox7 EBs and cultured in liquid blast media for 48hours. Dox was added for 6, 12 and 24 hours to induce SOX7 expression, before samples were harvested for RNAseq.
Interplay between SOX7 and RUNX1 regulates hemogenic endothelial fate in the yolk sac.
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View SamplesSomatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) represent two major approaches for somatic cell reprogramming. However, little attention has been paid to the ability of these two strategies in rejuvenating cells from donors with aging associated syndrome. Here, we utilized telomerase deficient (Terc-/-) mice to probe this question. SCNT-derived embryonic stem cells (ntESCs) and iPSCs were successfully derived from second generation (G2) and third generation (G3) of Terc-/- mice, and ntESCs showed better differentiation potential and self-renewal ability. Telomeres lengthened extensively in cloned embryos while remained or slightly increased in the process of iPSCs induction. Furthermore, G3 ntESCs exhibited improvement of telomere capping function as evidenced by decreased signal free ends and chromosome end-to-end fusion events. In contrast, there was a further decline of telomere capping function in G3 iPSCs. In addition to telomere dysfunction, mitochondria function was severely impaired in G3 iPSCs as evidenced by oxygen consumption rate (OCR) decline, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and dramatically increased mitochondria genome mutations while these deficiencies were greatly mitigated in G3 ntESCs. Our data proved the principle that SCNT-mediated reprogramming appears more superior than transcription factors induced reprogramming in terms of the resetting of telomere quality and mitochondria function, and thus, providing valuable information for further improvement of transcription factors mediated reprogramming.
Enhanced telomere rejuvenation in pluripotent cells reprogrammed via nuclear transfer relative to induced pluripotent stem cells.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe Core Binding Factor (CBF) protein RUNX1 is a master regulator of definitive hematopoiesis, crucial for hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) emergence during ontogeny, which also plays vital roles in adult mice, in regulating the correct specification of numerous blood lineages. Akin to the other mammalian Runx genes, Runx1 has two promoters P1 (distal) and P2 (proximal) which generate distinct protein isoforms. The activities and specific relevance of these two promoters in adult hematopoiesis remain to be fully elucidated. Utilizing a dual reporter model, we demonstrate here that the distal P1 promoter is broadly active in adult hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) populations. By contrast, the activity of the proximal P2 promoter is more restricted and its upregulation, in both the immature Lineage- Sca1high cKithigh (LSK) and bipotential Pre-Megakaryocytic/Erythroid Progenitor (PreMegE) populations, coincides with a loss of erythroid specification. Accordingly, the PreMegE population can be prospectively separated into "pro-erythroid" and "pro-megakaryocyte" populations based on Runx1 P2 activity. Comparative gene expression analyses between Runx1 P2+ and P2- populations indicated that the level of CD34 expression could substitute for P2 activity to distinguish these two cell populations in wild type (WT) bone marrow (BM). Prospective isolation of these two populations will provide the opportunity to further investigate and define the molecular mechanisms involved in megakaryocytic/erythroid (Mk/Ery) cell fate decisions. Moreover, comparison of a RUNX1C null (KO) PreMegE to its WT counterpart demonstrated considerably enhanced erythroid specification at the expense of megakaryopoiesis in the absence of P1-specified RUNX1C expression. Overall design: mRNA profiles of wild type (WT), Runx1 P2-hCD4+ (P2+), Runx1 P2-hCD4- (P2-) and RUNX1C knockout (KO) bone marrow Pre-Megakaryocyte/Erythroid (PreMegE) progenitors were generated from young adult (12-16 weeks) mice by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina NextSeq 500.
RUNX1B Expression Is Highly Heterogeneous and Distinguishes Megakaryocytic and Erythroid Lineage Fate in Adult Mouse Hematopoiesis.
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View SamplesIn recent years, highly detailed characterization of adult bone marrow (BM) myeloid progenitors has been achieved and, as a result, the impact of somatic defects on different hematopoietic lineage fate decisions can be precisely determined. Fetal liver (FL) hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) are poorly characterized in comparison, potentially hindering the study of the impact of genetic alterations on midgestation hematopoiesis. Numerous disorders, for example infant acute leukaemias, have in utero origins and their study would therefore benefit from the ability to isolate highly purified progenitor subsets. We previously demonstrated that a Runx1 distal promoter (P1)-GFP::proximal promoter (P2)-hCD4 dual-reporter mouse (Mus musculus) model can be used to identify adult BM progenitor subsets with distinct lineage preferences. In this study, we undertook the characterization of the expression of Runx1-P1-GFP and P2-hCD4 in FL. Expression of P2-hCD4 in the FL immunophenotypic Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor (MEP) and Common Myeloid Progenitor (CMP) compartments corresponded to increased granulocytic/monocytic/megakaryocytic and decreased erythroid specification. Moreover, Runx1-P2-hCD4 expression correlated with several endogenous cell surface markers' expression, including CD31 and CD45, providing a new strategy for prospective identification of highly purified fetal myeloid progenitors in transgenic mouse models. We utilized this methodology to compare the impact of the deletion of either total RUNX1 or RUNX1C alone and to determine the fetal HPCs lineages most substantially affected. This new prospective identification of FL progenitors therefore raises the prospect of identifying the underlying gene networks responsible with greater precision than previously possible. Overall design: mRNA profiles of single sorted Runx1 P2-hCD4+ Megakaryocyte Erythroid Progenitors (MEPs), Runx1 P2-hCD4- MEPs, Runx1 P2-hCD4+ Common Myeloid Progenitors (CMPs) and Runx1 P2-hCD4- CMPs from Mouse E14.5 Runx1 P2-GFP::P2-hCD4/+ Fetal Liver Samples
A novel prospective isolation of murine fetal liver progenitors to study in utero hematopoietic defects.
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View SamplesAnalysis of the genome wide response of wild type and two mutant arabidopsis thaliana seedlings to norflurazon
Signals from chloroplasts converge to regulate nuclear gene expression.
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View SamplesWe present single-cell mRNA-Sequencing of various endothelial and hematopoietic populations isolated from the mouse embryonic aorta at E10 and E11. Our study reveals the transcriptional dynamics occuring during endothelial to hematopoietic transition, the process responsible for the production of hematopoietic stem cells. Overall design: single-cell mRNA-Sequencing of various endothelial and hematopoietic populations isolated from the mouse embryonic aorta at E10 and E11
Single-cell transcriptomics reveal the dynamic of haematopoietic stem cell production in the aorta.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesWe sequenced strand-specific mRNA from the heads of 3 groups of wild type zebrafish (Danio rerio) 5 days post fertilization. Overall design: Examination of the relative expression of genes in the developing zebrafish brain
BRF1 mutations alter RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription and cause neurodevelopmental anomalies.
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View SamplesThe T lymphoma invasion and metastasis inducing protein 1 (TIAM1) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates the small GTPase RAC1 and regulates a plethora of functions such as cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis and polarity. Recently, we demonstrated that TIAM1 shuttles between the cytoplasm and nucleus. To determine the nuclear role of TIAM1, we performed RNA-seq on SW620 cells transfected either with a specific pre-validated siRNA for TIAM1 (siTIAM1) or a negative control siRNA (siNT) and generated a list of TIAM1 differentially expressed genes. GSEA revealed significant enrichment among TIAM1-regulated genes for YAP-associated molecular signature. To investigate the interplay of TIAM1 with YAP/TAZ we used RNA-seq, generated a list of YAP/TAZ differentially expressed genes from SW620 cells transfected either with specific siRNAs for YAP/TAZ or a negative control siRNA and compared it with the siTIAM1 RNA-seq dataset. Interestingly, we found that 50% of the TAZ/YAP regulated genes were also TIAM1 dependent. Overall design: mRNA profiles of control, TIAM1 or YAP/TAZ knockdown SW620 cells were generated from three independent experiments using RNA-seq
TIAM1 Antagonizes TAZ/YAP Both in the Destruction Complex in the Cytoplasm and in the Nucleus to Inhibit Invasion of Intestinal Epithelial Cells.
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