Gene expression information is useful in prioritizing candidate genes in linkage intervals. The data can also identify pathways involved in the pathophysiology of disease.
Integration of expression profiles and genetic mapping data to identify candidate genes in intracranial aneurysm.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Race
View SamplesGPR146 is a susceptible gene associated with plasma cholesterol levels in humans, its physiological and molecular functions have not been fully characherized. In this study, we generated Gpr146 whole-body knockout mice and found that depletion of GPR146 led to substantilly reduced plasma total cholesterol levels.
GPR146 Deficiency Protects against Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerosis.
Specimen part
View SamplesEffect of JMT overexpression in global gene expression
Complement analysis of xeroderma pigmentosum variants.
No sample metadata fields
View Samples99 individual ovarian tumors (37 endometrioid, 41 serous, 13 mucinous, and 8 clear cell carcinomas) and 4 individual normal ovary samples, each assayed on an Affymetrix HG_U133A array
Fibroblast growth factor 9 has oncogenic activity and is a downstream target of Wnt signaling in ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinomas.
Disease stage
View SamplesFifty million plaque-forming units of AdCre was injected into the right ovarian bursal cavity of 56- 70 day old female mice. Mice were euthanized 63 days later to obtain ovary tumors and normal ovary tissue. Seven individual ovarian tumors and 4 individual normal ovary samples were each assayed on an Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 array.
Fibroblast growth factor 9 has oncogenic activity and is a downstream target of Wnt signaling in ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinomas.
View SamplesOsteoclast (OC) differentiation undergoes a two-step process: commitment of hematopoietic progenitor cells to tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) positive OC precursors (OCPs), and fusion of OCPs into multinucleated OCs. In order to identify transcriptional profiles of genes in the transitional phase between OC commitment and fusion in OCG, Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0 ST arrays were performed on total RNA extracted from mouse (SV129/BL6 ) monocytes and pre-osteoclasts (pre-OCs), primed with macrophage colony-stimulated factor (M-CSF) or M-CSF and soluble recombinant receptor activator of NF-B ligand (sRANKL), respectively. The analysis identified 656 RANKL-up or down-regulated in the early stage of osteoclastogenesis.
The actin binding protein adseverin regulates osteoclastogenesis.
Specimen part
View SamplesIron is essential for many cellular processes and is required by bacteria for replication. To acquire iron from the host, pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria secrete siderophores, including Enterobactin (Ent). However, Ent is bound by the host protein Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2), preventing bacterial reuptake of aferric or ferric Ent. In two experiments we treated A549 (lung cancer cell line) cells with Lcn2, Ent, and iron, alone and in combination. In experiment 1, biological duplicates of 4 conditions were used: PBS control, Lcn2, Lcn2+Ent, and Lcn2+Ent+iron. In experiment 2, 4 biological replicates of 4 conditions were used: PBS control, Ent, iron, and Ent+iron. Targets made from the samples were hybridized to Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST arrays to measure transcript abundances. The RMA algorithm was used to estimate transcript levels. Replicate samples were exchangeable, so we fit one-way ANOVA models to log2-transformed data separately to each experiment, and tested for pairwise differences between groups in each experiment, as well as asking if the Ent vs. PBS differences were larger or smaller than the Ent+iron vs. iron differences (Ent by iron interactions). We report results for 29096 probe-sets that were not annotated as positive or negative controls on the array. A supplementary Excel workbook is provided that contains the estimated expression level, some probe-set annotation, and simple statistical analysis for each probe-set. It may be convenient for some users, however obtaining newer probe-set annotation may be advisable.
Bacterial siderophores that evade or overwhelm lipocalin 2 induce hypoxia inducible factor 1α and proinflammatory cytokine secretion in cultured respiratory epithelial cells.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesIdentification and evaluation of specific molecular markers is of great importance for reliable diagnostics and outcome prediction of renal neoplasms
High-resolution DNA copy number and gene expression analyses distinguish chromophobe renal cell carcinomas and renal oncocytomas.
No sample metadata fields
View SamplesWe treated 6-8 week old mice that had floxed alleles of both Apc and Pten (for both alleles in each case) that also carry an Ovgp1-iCre-ERT2 transgene, with one of two treatments; a third group received neither treatment. The Ovgp1-iCre-ERT2 expresses Cre recombinase fused to a tamoxifen-inducible fragment of the estrogen receptor, in tissues where the Ovgp1 gene (oviductal glycoprotein 1) is expressed, which is almost exclusively in mouse oviductal epithelium (equivalent to human fallopian tube epithelium = FTE). Treating the mice with tamoxifen permits the Cre recombinase to enter the cell nucleus and inactivate the Apc and Pten genes. Six of the mice were treated with intraperitoneal injection of tamoxifen (0.1g/kg of body weight) dissolved in corn oil on days 1 and 3 and developed oviductal tumors (OdT) yielding 6 of the samples. Four mice (yielding 5 samples) were instead injected with 50 million plaque-forming units of replication-incompetent AdCre into both ovarian bursal cavities on day 1, which inactivated Apc and Pten in the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE), and lead to ovarian tumors (OT). Ovaries were also harvested from four untreated 6-8 week old mice with the same genotype, with two ovaries from each mouse comprising one control sample. RNA was purified from tumor or normal tissue, and targets for Affymetrix arrays synthesized from the mRNAs. We used Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.1 ST arrays, which hold 41345 probe-sets, but we largely analyzed just those 25216 probe-sets that were mapped to Entrez gene IDs. Raw data was processed with Robust Multi-array Average algorithm (RMA). Data is log2-transformed transcript abundance estimates. We fit a one-way ANOVA model to the three groups of samples. We supply a supplementary excel workbook that holds the same data as the data matrix file, but also holds the probe-set annotation at the time we analyzed the data, and some simple statistical calculations, which select subsets of the probe-sets as differentially expressed. Consumers should consider obtaining more up-to-date probe-set annotation for the array platform. We also provide supplementary excel files that show our simple analysis of GSE6008, which consists of 99 human ovarian tumor samples of 4 types, and 4 normal ovary samples, where we fit an ANOVA model to the 5 groups. In yet another supplementary file we show the correlation between each human tumor and mouse tumor, where we correlate the difference in log2-transformed values of each tumor from the average of the normals for the same species, for just those genes that were 1-to-1 best homologs according to build 68 of NCBI's Homologene, in order to see how much the human tumors resemble the mouse tumors.
Impact of oviductal versus ovarian epithelial cell of origin on ovarian endometrioid carcinoma phenotype in the mouse.
View SamplesIn order to investigate genes regulated by Wnt/Beta-catenin-signaling in immortalized mouse adrenocortical cells, we treated a pair of ATCL7 cell cultures, one with BIO, a small molecule mimicking Wnt/Beta-catenin-signaling, the other with a control treatment. We repeated this 3 additional times resulting in 4 pairs of samples. The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is not basally active in ATCL7 cells, nor do these cells appear to contain any mutations in the Wnt/Beta-catenin pathway. ATCL7 cells were grown under standard conditions at 37C in a humidified incubator containing 5% CO2. 250,000 ATCL7 cells per sample were treated with 0.5uM BIO (6-Bromoindirubin-3'-oxime) or 0.01% DMSO (v/v) for 24 hours, in DMEM:F12 growth media containing 100U/mL pencillin/streptomycin, 1X insulin-transferrin-selenium-X, 0.025% fetal bovine serum and 0.025% horse serum. Cells were harvested and RNA was extracted using an RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen). Biotinylated cDNA were prepared according to the Ambion WT kit protocol from 250 ng total RNA (GeneAtlas WT Expression Kit User Manual P/N 702935 Rev. 3). We assayed the targets with Affymetrix Mouse Gene ST 1.1 strip arrays. We modeled the data using paired T-tests for each probe-set. We also supply a supplementary file holding the data and some statistical analysis, as well as probe-set annotation that we used at that time (users may wish to obtain new annotation though). We analyzed only 28944 probe-sets with category "main", "---", and "flmrna->unmapped" according to Affymetrix annotation.
Wnt signaling inhibits adrenal steroidogenesis by cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous mechanisms.
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
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