LEM Domain proteins are key components of the nuclear lamina. Mutations in LEM-D proteins cause dystrophic diseases associated with compromised adult stem cells, yet it remains unclear how LEM-D proteins support stem cell function. Studies described here use the homologue of the LEM-D protein emerin in Drosophila, Otefin (Ote) as a model to understand LEM-D protein function in adult stem cells. Loss of Ote causes female sterility due to a complex germline stem cell (GSC) phenotype that includes both an early block in germline differentiation followed by GSC death. In vivo cell cycle analysis revealed that ote mutant GSCs display a lengthened S phase.We find that loss of the DNA Damage Response (DDR) Chk2 is able to not only rescue the lengthened S phase, but also GSC death and the block in germline differentiation. Activation of detrimental checkpoint in absence of Ote is conserved in both male and female GSCs and surprisingly occurs independent of detectable canonical DDR triggers, including transposon de-repression and DNA damage. Two defects were found to occur upstream of Chk2 activation: nuclear lamina morphological defects and altered heterochromatin organization. Together, our data identify the primary cause for a compromised adult stem cell population in the absence of a LEM-D protein.
Nuclear lamina dysfunction triggers a germline stem cell checkpoint.
Specimen part
View SamplesThe aim of present study was to describe the genetic pathways activated during the community acquired bacterial meningitis (BM) by using genome-wide RNA expression profiling combined with functional annotation of transcriptional changes. We included 21 patients with BM hospitalized in 2008. The control group consisted of 18 healthy subjects. The RNA was extracted from whole blood, globin mRNA was depleted and gene expression profiling was performed with GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST Arrays enabling the analysis of 28,869 genes. Gene expression profile data were analyzed using Bioconductor packages and Bayesian modeling. Functional annotation of the enriched gene sets was used to define changed genetic networks. We also analyzed if the gene expression profile depends on the clinical course and outcome. In order to verify the genechip results, we chose ten functionally relevant genes with high statistical significance (CD177, IL1R2, IL18R1, IL18RAP, OLFM4, TLR5, CPA3, FCER1A, IL5RA, IL7R) and performed quantitative real-time (qRT) PCR.We identified the significant differences at p values of <0.05 in 8569 genes and after False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction, total of 5500 genes remained significant at p value of <0.01. Quantitative RT-PCR confirmed differential expression for selected genes. Functional annotation and network analysis indicated that most of the genes were related to activation of humoral and cellular immune responses (enrichment score 43). Those changes were found in adults and in children with BM compared to the healthy controls. Gene expression profile didnt depend on the clinical outcome, but there was very strong influence by the type of the pathogen. This study demonstrates a strong functional genomic evidence of the over-active immune response during bacterial meningitis. This hyperactive response possibly explains the complicated clinical course of this disease.
Peripheral blood RNA gene expression profiling in patients with bacterial meningitis.
Specimen part
View SamplesWilson disease (WD) is a severe metabolic disorder caused by genetic inactivation of copper-transporting ATPase ATP7B. In WD, copper accumulates in several tissues, particularly in the liver, inducing marked time-dependent pathological changes. To identify initial events in the copper-dependent development of liver pathology we utilized the Atp7b-/- mice, an animal model for WD. Analysis of mRNA from livers of control and Atp7b-/- 6 weeks-old mice using oligonucleotide arrays revealed specific changes of the transcriptome at this stage of copper accumulation. Few messages (29 up-regulated and 46 down-regulated) change their abundance more than 2-fold pointing to the specific effect of copper on gene expression/mRNA stability. The gene ontology analysis revealed copper effects on distinct metabolic pathways.
High copper selectively alters lipid metabolism and cell cycle machinery in the mouse model of Wilson disease.
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View SamplesTo comprehensively characterize microRNA (miRNA) expression in breast cancer, we performed the first extensive next-generation sequencing expression analysis of this disease. We sequenced small RNA from tumors with paired samples of normal and tumor-adjacent breast tissue. Our results indicate that tumor identity is achieved mainly by variation in the expression levels of a common set of miRNAs rather than by tissue-specific expression. We also report 361 new, well-supported miRNA precursors. Nearly two-thirds of these new genes were detected in other human tissues and 49% of the miRNAs were found associated with Ago2 in MCF7 cells. Ten percent of the new miRNAs are located in regions with high-level genomic amplifications in breast cancer. A new miRNA is encoded within the ERBB2/Her2 gene and amplification of this gene leads to overexpression of the new miRNA, indicating that this potent oncogene and important clinical marker may have two different biological functions. In summary, our work substantially expands the number of known miRNAs and highlights the complexity of small RNA expression in breast cancer. Overall design: Sequencing of approximately 18-35 nt small RNAs from paired samples of normal, tumor and tumor-adjacent tissue for five breast cancer patients
Identification of new microRNAs in paired normal and tumor breast tissue suggests a dual role for the ERBB2/Her2 gene.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesCertain neuron types fire spontaneously at high rates, an ability that is crucial for their function in brain circuits. The spontaneously active GABAergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), a major output of the basal ganglia, provide tonic inhibition of downstream brain areas. A depolarizing "leak" current supports this firing pattern, but its molecular basis remains poorly understood. To understand how SNr neurons maintain tonic activity, we used single-cell RNA sequencing to determine the transcriptome of individual SNr neurons. We discovered that SNr neurons express the sodium leak current, NaLCN and that SNr neurons lacking NaLCN have impaired spontaneous firing. Overall design: RNA sequencing profiles from 87 GFP-positive GABAergic SNr neurons and 9 GFP-negative SNr cells were carried out. However only 80 samples that passed initial quality control and that were included in the data processing are represented in this record.
The leak channel NALCN controls tonic firing and glycolytic sensitivity of substantia nigra pars reticulata neurons.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesGene expression from primary neuronal, astrocytic, oligodendrocytic and microglial cultures, as well as from RNA mixtures thereof.
Population-specific expression analysis (PSEA) reveals molecular changes in diseased brain.
Specimen part
View SamplesIn this study the gene expression in cells infected with lytic and non-lytic variants of coxsackievirus B2 Ohio (CVB2O) were analyzed using next generation sequencing. This approach was selected with the purpose of elucidating the effects of lytic and non-lytic viruses on host cell transcription. Total RNA was extracted from infected cells, next generation sequencing was performed, and the reads were subsequently mapped against the human and CVB2O genomes. The amount of intracellular virions was measured, showing a relative amount of virus RNA 13 times higher in the cells infected with the lytic variant, vVP1Q164K, compared to cells infected by the non-lytic CVB2Owt. Furthermore, differential gene expression in the cells infected with the two viruses was identified and a number of genes singled out as possible keys to the answer of how the viruses interact with the host cells, resulting in lytic or non-lytic infections. Overall design: 4 samples, two samples of one strain, one sample of a different strain, and one control sample
The Transcriptome of Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells Infected with Cytolytic and Non-Cytolytic Variants of Coxsackievirus B2 Ohio-1.
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View SamplesRetinoic acid (RA), the main active vitamin A metabolite, controls multiple biological processes such as cell proliferation and differentiation through genomic programs and kinase cascades activation. Several breast cancer cells respond to the antiproliferative effects of RA, but others are RA-resistant. In several cases resistance has been correlated to the amplification of the erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2 (ERBB2) gene, but the overall signaling and transcriptional pathways that are altered in such cells have not been elucidated. Here we compared two human breast cancer cell lines, the MCF7 cell line, which responds to the antiproliferative action of RA and the BT474 cell line, which is RA-resistant subsequent to ERBB2 amplification in a large-scale analysis of the phosphoproteins and in a genome-wide analysis of the RA-regulated genes. Using high-resolution nano-LC-LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry associated to phosphopeptide enrichment, we found that several proteins involved in signaling and in transcription, are differentially phosphorylated after RA addition. The paradigm of these proteins is the RA receptor a (RARa), which was phosphorylated in MCF7 cells but not in BT474 cells. The panel of the RA-regulated genes was also different. Overall our results indicate that ERBB2 amplification interferes with the ability of RA to activate kinases with consequences on the phosphorylation of several proteins involved in transcription and thus on gene expression. Overall design: Two human breast cancer cell lines were compared for their repertoire of genes regulated by retinoic acid (RA): the RA sensitive MCF7 cell line and the RA resistant B7474 cell line
Phosphoproteome and Transcriptome of RA-Responsive and RA-Resistant Breast Cancer Cell Lines.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesTranscriptome wide analysis of the skeletal muscle response to exercise in humans. Subjects performed one 60-min bout of moderate-intensity single-leg knee-extension exercise, and samples were obtained by biopsy of the vastus lateralis muscle before, immediately after, and at 3 hr post-exercise. Eight subjects were control (no drug), and eight received combined H1/H2-histamine receptor blockade prior to exercise. Overall design: Three time-points in each of 8 control and 8 histamine-blockade subjects. Time points are before exercise, immediately after exercise, and at 3 hrs post-exercise. Note: Alignments were re-run using an updated piece of software and the results are reported in PMID 29455450. The following supplementary files contain information on the differentially expressed genes that were identified by the new analysis of the data: GSE71972_Differential_Expression_Tables_Updated_20160830.xlsx GSE71972_Protein_Coding_Full_Counts_Updated_20160830.xlsx
A single dose of histamine-receptor antagonists before downhill running alters markers of muscle damage and delayed-onset muscle soreness.
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View SamplesGene expression profiling of the medial (MGE), lateral (LGE) and caudal (CGE) ganglionic eminence, and cerebral cortex (CTX) at various embryonic stages (E12.5, E14 and E16).
Comprehensive spatiotemporal transcriptomic analyses of the ganglionic eminences demonstrate the uniqueness of its caudal subdivision.
Sex, Specimen part
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