Photoreceptor degeneration is the central event leading to visual impairment or blindness in most retinal diseases. However, the discovery of safe and effective therapeutic strategies conferring photoreceptor protection remains challenging. A systems pharmacology approach, synergistically targeting distinct cellular pathways could provide an effective strategy for evaluating, preventing or treating retinal dystrophies. Here this concept was investigated using a mouse model of light-induced retinal degeneration. We show that a combination of FDA-approved drugs acting on different G protein-coupled receptors in a synergistic manner could protect retinas against light-induced degeneration when each drug in the combination treatment was administered at a sub-therapeutic dose. Furthermore, transcriptome analyses demonstrated that such combined treatments also preserved patterns of retinal gene expression more characteristic of the normal retina than did single therapies at higher doses. The current study thus supports a new systems pharmacology approach that may extend to other complex neurodegenerative disorders in addition to retinal diseases. Overall design: Male and female Abca4-/-Rdh8-/- at the age of 4- to 6-weeks were used for the current study. All mice were housed and maintained in a 12 h light (=10 lux)/12 h dark cyclic environment in the Animal Resource Center at the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Bright light-induced retinal damage was generated by exposing Abca4-/-Rdh8-/- mice to white light delivered at 10,000 lux (150 W spiral lamp, Commercial Electric) for 30 min. All indicated treatments were administered by intraperitoneal injection 30 min prior to bright light exposure and retinas collected one day later. Single compounds and their tested doses were: 2-Bromo-a-ergocryptine methanesulfonate salt (BRM), metoprolol tartrate (MTP), tamsulosin (TAM), and doxazosin (DOX). Combined treatments were: BRM, MTP and TAM (BMT), or MTP, DOX, and BRM (MDB). Processed data files (linked as series supplementary files): DE_combined.txt; Significant differential expression results from the combined pretreatment experiment. DE_mono.txt; Significant differential expression results from the mono pretreatment experiment. eXpress_counts_combined.txt; Quantitation output from eXpress of effective counts from the combined pretreatment experiment. eXpress_counts_mono.txt; Quantitation output from eXpress of effective counts from the mono pretreatment experiment. eXpress_fpkm_combined.txt; Quantitation output from eXpress of fpkm values from the combined pretreatment experiment. eXpress_fpkm_mono.txt; Quantitation output from eXpress of fpkm values from the mono pretreatment experiment. normalized_fpkm_combined.txt; TMM normalized fpkm values from the combined pretreatment experiment. normalized_fpkm_mono.txt; TMM normalized fpkm values from the mono pretreatment experiment.
Synergistically acting agonists and antagonists of G protein-coupled receptors prevent photoreceptor cell degeneration.
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Mutant human embryonic stem cells reveal neurite and synapse formation defects in type 1 myotonic dystrophy.
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View SamplesAnalysis of genes that were differentially expressed in mutant VUB03_DM1 as compared to controls VUB01 and SA01 Neural Precursor cells
Mutant human embryonic stem cells reveal neurite and synapse formation defects in type 1 myotonic dystrophy.
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View SamplesAnalysis of genes that were differentially expressed in mutant VUB03_DM1 as compared to controls VUB01 and SA01 undifferentiated hES cells
Mutant human embryonic stem cells reveal neurite and synapse formation defects in type 1 myotonic dystrophy.
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View SamplesAnalysis of genes that were differentially expressed in mutant VUB03_DM1 as compared to controls VUB01 and SA01 Mesodermal Precursors Cells.
Mutant human embryonic stem cells reveal neurite and synapse formation defects in type 1 myotonic dystrophy.
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View SamplesHere we propose the direct conversion of human somatic cells into naive induced pluripotent cells (niPSC). Dataset: 7 expanded niPSC lines (4 from BJ cells, 1 from HFF-1, 1 from WI38, 1from IMR90), 1 freshly-isolated primary colonies of niPSC from BJ, 1 established naive embryonic line H9, 1 primed induced pluripotent cell line (from BJ), 1 sample of BJ fibroblasts, 1 sample of WI38 fibroblasts, 1 sample IMR90 fibroblasts.
Direct generation of human naive induced pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells in microfluidics.
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View SamplesLymphatic endothelial cells were grown under normoxia, hypoxia (1% 0xygen) and conditioned medio from NSLCN growth under normoxia or hypoxia. Gene expression was measured and comparition between samples performed
Hypoxia alters the adhesive properties of lymphatic endothelial cells. A transcriptional and functional study.
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View SamplesWe have characterized a mutation affecting the Arabidopsis EARLY IN SHORT DAYS 7 (ESD7) gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the DNA polymerase epsilon (e), AtPOL2A. esd7-1 mutations causes early flowering independently of photoperiod, shortened inflorescence internodes and altered leaf and root development. esd7-1 was a hypomorphic allele whereas KO alleles displayed an embryo-lethal phenotype. The SAM and the RAM in the esd7-1 seedlings were found to exhibit an altered disposition that might correlate with the abnormal expression pattern of SAM and RAM marker genes. esd7-1 showed higher sensitivity to DNA damaging reagents than wild type plants and altered expression of genes involved in DNA repair mechanisms by homologous recombination. Moreover, esd7 early flowering phenotype requires functional FT and SOC1 proteins and might be also related to the mis-regulation of AG and AG-like gene expression found in esd7. Loci involved in the modulation of the chromatin structural dynamics, such as TFL2 and EBS, which negatively regulate FT expression, were found to interact genetically with ESD7, and the carboxy terminus of ESD7 interacted with TFL2 in vitro. Besides, fasciata2 (fas2) mutations suppressed esd7 early flowering phenotype and INCURVATA 2 (ICU2) was found to be epistatic to ESD7. Discrete regions of the chromatin of FT and AG loci were enriched in activating epigenetic marks in the esd7-1 mutant. We concluded that ESD7 might be participating in processes involved in chromatin-mediated cellular memory.
EARLY IN SHORT DAYS 7 (ESD7) encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase epsilon and is required for flowering repression through a mechanism involving epigenetic gene silencing.
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View SamplesChromosome dosage plays a significant role in reproductive isolation and speciation in both plants and animals, but underlying mechanisms are largely obscure. Transposable elements can promote hybridity through maternal small RNA, and have been postulated to regulate dosage response via neighboring imprinted genes. Here, we show that a highly conserved microRNA in plants, miR845, targets the tRNAMet primer-binding site (PBS) of LTR-retrotransposons in Arabidopsis pollen, and triggers the accumulation of 21 to 22-nucleotide small RNA in a dose dependent fashion via RNA polymerase IV. We show that these epigenetically activated small-interfering RNAs (easiRNAs) mediate hybridization barriers between diploid seed parents and tetraploid pollen parents (“the triploid block”), and that natural variation for miR845 may account for “endosperm balance” allowing formation of triploid seeds. Targeting the PBS with small RNA is a common mechanism for transposon control in mammals and plants, and provides a uniquely sensitive means to monitor chromosome dosage and imprinting in the developing seed. Overall design: RNA-seq of Arabidopsis pollen
Transposon-derived small RNAs triggered by miR845 mediate genome dosage response in Arabidopsis.
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View SamplesMesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) And osteolineage cells contribute to the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) Niche in the bone marrow of long bones. However, Their developmental relationships remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that different MSC populations in the developing marrow of long bones have distinct functions. Proliferative mesoderm-derived nestin- MSCs participate in fetal skeletogenesis, And lose MSC activity soon after birth. In contrast, Quiescent neural-crest-derived nestin+ Cells in the same bones preserve MSC activity, But do not generate fetal chondrocytes. Instead, They differentiate into HSC-niche-forming MSCs, Helping to establish the HSC niche by secreting Cxcl12. Perineural migration of these cells to the bone marrow requires the ErbB3 receptor. The neonatal Nestin-GFP+ PDGFR- Cell population also contains Schwann-cell precursors, But does not comprise mature Schwann cells. Thus, In the developing bone marrow HSC-niche-forming MSCs share a common origin with sympathetic peripheral neurons and glial cells, And ontogenically distinct MSCs have non-overlapping functions in endochondrogenesis and HSC niche formation. Overall design: Total RNA was isolated from small numbers of FACS sorted stromal cells, obtained from neonatal Nes-Gfp bone marrow preparations (2 biological replicates). Each independent set of samples was obtained from pooled skeletal elements (long bones and sterna) form multiple littermates.
The neural crest is a source of mesenchymal stem cells with specialized hematopoietic stem cell niche function.
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