Metabolic production of acetyl-CoA has been linked to histone acetylation and gene regulation, however the mechanisms are largely unknown. We show that the metabolic enzyme acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2) is a critical and direct regulator of histone acetylation in neurons and of long-term mammalian memory. We observe increased nuclear ACSS2 in differentiating neurons in vitro. Genome-wide, ACSS2 binding corresponds with increased histone acetylation and gene expression of key neuronal genes. These data indicate that ACSS2 functions as a chromatin-bound co-activator to increase local concentrations of acetyl-CoA and to locally promote histone acetylation for transcription of neuron-specific genes. Remarkably, in vivo attenuation of hippocampal ACSS2 expression in adult mice impairs long-term spatial memory, a cognitive process reliant on histone acetylation. ACSS2 reduction in hippocampus also leads to a defect in upregulation of key neuronal genes involved in memory. These results reveal a unique connection between cellular metabolism and neural plasticity, and establish a link between generation of acetyl-CoA and neuronal chromatin regulation. Overall design: Global survey of gene expression in CAD cells and differentiated CAD neurons following lentiviral knockdown of ACSS2 or ATP citrate lyase (ACL) (and control = scramble hairpin); survey of hippocampal gene expression changes associated with retrieval of fear memory, after ACSS2-AAV knockdown or in EGFP-AAV control (comparison of 0h vs. 1h post-memory retrieval).
Acetyl-CoA synthetase regulates histone acetylation and hippocampal memory.
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