Expression data from microdissected glomeruli to examine the role of hypoxia in glomerulosclerosis of human Nephrosclerosis (NSC).
Human nephrosclerosis triggers a hypoxia-related glomerulopathy.
Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesUsing various exposure conditions, we studied the induction of DNA-protein crosslinks (DPX) by formaldehyde (FA) and their removal in primary human nasal epithelial cells (HNEC). DPX were indirectly measured by the alkaline comet assay as the reduction of gamma ray induced DNA migration. DPX are the most relevant primary DNA alterations induced by FA and the comet assay is a very sensitive method for the detection of FA-induced DPX. In parallel experiments, we investigated changes in gene expression by using a full genome human microarray. After a single treatment with FA (50 to 200 M), concentration and time-dependent changes in gene expression were seen under conditions that also induced genotoxicity. Repeated treatments with low FA concentrations (20 and 50 M) did not lead to a significant induction of DPX but repeated treatments with 50 M FA changed the expression of more than 100 genes. Interestingly, the expression of genes involved in the main pathway for FA detoxification and the repair of DPX were not specifically enhanced. A high degree of overlap was seen among the pattern of gene changes induced by FA in HNEC in comparison to recently published array studies for nasal epithelial cells from rats exposed to FA in vivo. Our results suggest that HNEC are a suited in vitro model for the characterization of FA-induced toxicity and the relationship between genotoxic and other cytotoxic effects.
Gene expression changes in primary human nasal epithelial cells exposed to formaldehyde in vitro.
Specimen part, Treatment
View Samples41 volunteers (male non-smokers) were exposed to formaldehyde (FA) vapors for 4 h per day over a period of 5 working days under strictly controlled conditions. For each exposure day, different exposure concentrations were used in a random order ranging from 0 up to 0.7 ppm. At concentrations of 0.3 ppm and 0.4 ppm, four peaks of 0.6 or 0.8 ppm for 15 min each were applied. During exposure, subjects had to perform bicycle exercises (about 80 W) four times for 15 min. Blood samples, exfoliated nasal mucosa cells and nasal biopsies were taken before the first and after the last exposure. Nasal epithelial cells were additionally sampled 1, 2 and 3 weeks after the end of the exposure period. The alkaline comet assay, the sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMNT) were performed with blood samples. The micronucleus test (MNT) was also performed with exfoliated nasal mucosa cells. The expression (mRNA level) of the GSH-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH, identical to alcohol dehydrogenase 5; ADH5; EC was measured in blood samples by quantitative real-time RT-PCR with TaqMan probes. DNA microarray analyses using a full-genome human microarray were performed on blood samples and nasal biopsies of selected subgroups with the highest FA exposure at different days. None of the tests performed showed a biologically significant effect related to FA exposure. Under the experimental conditions of this study, inhalation of FA did not lead to genotoxic effects in peripheral blood cells and nasal mucosa and had no effect on the expression of the FDH gene. Inhalation of FA also did not cause biologically relevant alterations in the expression of genes in a microarray analysis with nasal biopsies and peripheral blood cells.
Assessment of genotoxic effects and changes in gene expression in humans exposed to formaldehyde by inhalation under controlled conditions.
Sex, Specimen part, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesA frequently used experimental model of chronic pancreatitis (PC) recapitulating human disease is repeated injection of cerulein to mice. We found that two common substrains of C57BL/6 , C56BL/6J (Jackson) and C57BL/6NHsd (Harlan), exhibit different degree of CP with C57BL/6J beeing more susceptible to repetitive cerulein induced CP. The goal of this study was to identify genes associated with CP and also to identify genes differentially regulated between two substrains as candidates for the CP progression.
Differences in the degree of cerulein-induced chronic pancreatitis in C57BL/6 mouse substrains lead to new insights in identification of potential risk factors in the development of chronic pancreatitis.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesThe heat shock response (HSR) is a mechanism to cope with proteotoxic stress by inducing the expression of molecular chaperones and other heat shock response genes. The HSR is evolutionarily well conserved and has been widely studied in bacteria, cell lines and lower eukaryotic model organisms. However, mechanistic insights into the HSR in higher eukaryotes, in particular in mammals, are limited. We have developed an in vivo heat shock protocol to analyze the HSR in mice and dissected heat shock factor 1 (HSF1)-dependent and -independent pathways. Whilst the induction of proteostasis-related genes was dependent on HSF1, the regulation of circadian function related genes, indicating that the circadian clock oscillators have been reset, was independent of its presence. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the in vivo HSR is impaired in mouse models of Huntington's disease but we were unable to corroborate the general repression of transcription after a heat shock found in lower eukaryotes. Overall design: RNA-Seq was performed on mRNA isolated from quadriceps femoris muscle of 24 mice. These mice were of wild type, R6/2, and Hsf1-/- genotypes. Two mice of each genotype were tested in four conditions: (1) heat shock, (2) control heat shock, (3) HSP90 inhibition (NVP-HSP990), and (4) HSP90 inhibition vehicle.
HSF1-dependent and -independent regulation of the mammalian in vivo heat shock response and its impairment in Huntington's disease mouse models.
Age, Specimen part, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesCaspase-8 is a cystein protease involved in regulating apoptosis. The function of caspase-8 was studied in the intestinal epithelium, using mice with an intestinal epithelial cell specific deletion of caspase-8.
Caspase-8 regulates TNF-α-induced epithelial necroptosis and terminal ileitis.
Specimen part
View SamplesPurpose: Transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) to microarray to evaluate transcriptional changes in the heart of HD mouse models Methods: Heart mRNA profiles of 4-weeks-old wild-type (WT) and R6/2 transgenic; 15-weeks-old WT and R6/2 transgenic mice; 8-month-old WT and HdhQ150 knock-in mice; 22-month-old WT and HdhQ150 knock-in mice were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina Hi-seq 2000. Conclusions: Our study showed that there is no major transcriptional deregulation in the heart of mouse models of HD. Overall design: Heart mRNA profiles of 4-weeks-old wild-type (WT) and R6/2 transgenic; 15-weeks-old WT and R6/2 transgenic mice; 8-month-old WT and HdhQ150 knock-in mice; 22-month-old WT and HdhQ150 knock-in mice were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina Hi-seq 2000.
Dysfunction of the CNS-heart axis in mouse models of Huntington's disease.
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View SamplesCell Line: This experiment was designed to measure the transcriptional responses to four kinase inhibitors across a five-logarithm dose range. The A549 human lung cancer cell line was treated with dasatinib, imatinib or nilotinib (4 hours and 20 hours) or PD0325901 (4 hours). Treatments used a 12-point dose range (30 uM with 3-fold dilutions down to 0.17 nM; 0.5% DMSO vehicle for all treatments). Experimental design prevented row or column handling effects being confounded with dose effect.
Transcriptional profiling of the dose response: a more powerful approach for characterizing drug activities.
Disease, Cell line, Compound, Time
View SamplesGene expression profiling on IL-10-secreting and non-secreting murine Th1 cells, stimulated in the presence or absence of the Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (Dll4), was performed to identify transcription factors co-expressed with IL-10.
Role of Blimp-1 in programing Th effector cells into IL-10 producers.
Specimen part
View SamplesTo uncover molecular mechanisms specifically involved in the pathogenesis of colitis-associated colon cancer (CAC), we studied tumorigenesis in experimental models of CAC and sporadic CRC that mimic characteristics of human CRC. Using comparative whole genome expression profiling, we observed differential expression of epiregulin (Ereg) in mouse models of colitis-associated, but not sporadic colorectal cancer. Similarly, highly significant upregulation of Ereg expression was found in cohorts of patients with colitis-associated cancer in inflammatory bowel disease but not in sporadic colorectal cancer. Furthermore, tumor-associated fibroblasts were identified as major source of Ereg in colitis-associated neoplasias. Functional studies showed that Ereg-deficient mice, although more prone to colitis, are strongly protected from colitis-associated tumors, and data from serial endoscopic studies revealed that Ereg promotes growth rather than initiation of tumors.
Tumor fibroblast-derived epiregulin promotes growth of colitis-associated neoplasms through ERK.
Sex, Specimen part
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