Analysis of C4-2 prostate cancer cell line after 6 hrs of treatment with TOPK-32. PBK is overexpressed in a number of solid tumours, including prostate cancer. Results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of PBK in prostate carcinogenesis. Overall design: This experiment was designed to understand the regulation of transcriptome by PDZ domain binding kinase, which is an important kinase with role in cell cycle. The cells were treated with a catalytic inhibitor TOPK32 which inhibits the kinase activity of PBK protein.
A reciprocal feedback between the PDZ binding kinase and androgen receptor drives prostate cancer.
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View SamplesAnalysis of C4-2 Prostate cancer cell line after 72 hours of knockdown. PBK is overexpressed in a number of solid tumours, including prostate cancer. Results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of PBK in prostate carcinogenesis. Overall design: This experiment was designed to understand the regulation of transcriptiome by PDZ domain binding kinase (PBK), which is an important kinase with role in cell cycle. In order to achieve this, the endogenous protein was knocked down using siRNA pool that targets the PBK mRNA.
A reciprocal feedback between the PDZ binding kinase and androgen receptor drives prostate cancer.
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View SamplesAnalysis of C4-2 Prostate cancer cell line after 72 hours of knockdown. CHKA is overexpressed in a number of solid tumours, including prostate cancer. Results provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of CHKA in prostate carcinogenesis. Overall design: This experiment was designed to understand the regulation of transcriptome by Choline kinase alpha (CHKA) which is an important enzyme in Kennedy pathway. In order to achieve this, the endogenous protein was knocked down using siRNA pool that targets the CHKA mRNA.
Choline Kinase Alpha as an Androgen Receptor Chaperone and Prostate Cancer Therapeutic Target.
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Ikaros mediates gene silencing in T cells through Polycomb repressive complex 2.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThe Ikaros zink finger transcription factor is a critical regulator of the hematopietic system, and plays an important role in the regulation of the development and function of several blood cell lineages.
Ikaros mediates gene silencing in T cells through Polycomb repressive complex 2.
Specimen part
View SamplesWe used microarrays to analyze gene expression changes in the Ikaros null ILC87 T cell tumor line after re-expression of Ikaros.
Ikaros mediates gene silencing in T cells through Polycomb repressive complex 2.
Cell line
View SamplesSeven-day-old white-light-grown Arabidopsis seedlings were exposed for 15 minutes to polychromatic radiation with decreasing short-wave cut-off in the UV range, transferred back to the standard growth chamber and samples were taken 1 and 6 hours after the start of irradiation.
Genome-wide analysis of gene expression reveals function of the bZIP transcription factor HY5 in the UV-B response of Arabidopsis.
Age, Time
View SamplesLamin A/C was ablated in pancreatic acinar cells using Elastase1 driven, Cre-ErT mediated, LoxP recombination, causing excision of exons 10 and 11 of the Lmna gene
Lamin A/C Maintains Exocrine Pancreas Homeostasis by Regulating Stability of RB and Activity of E2F.
View SamplesSeven-day-old white-light-grown wild-type, cop1-4 or hy5-1 mutant Arabidopsis seedlings were exposed for fifteen minutes to polychromatic radiation with decreasing short-wave cut-off in the UV range (WG305 = +UV-B, WG327 = -UV-B) and samples were taken 1 h after the onset of irradiation.
CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 is required for the UV-B response in Arabidopsis.
Age, Time
View SamplesacLDL loading of mouse peritoneal macrophage is an in vitro foam cell model.
Cholesterol accumulation regulates expression of macrophage proteins implicated in proteolysis and complement activation.
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