Death of photoreceptors and/or Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) cells is a common cause of age related and inherited retinal dystrophies, thus their replenishment from renewable stem cell sources is a well sought therapeutic goal. Human pluripotent stem cells provide a useful cell source in view of their limitless self-renewal capacity and potential to differentiate into all key retinal cell types either in isolation or as part of three dimensional retinal organoids. Photoreceptor precursors have been isolated from differentiating human pluripotent stem cells either through application of cell surface markers or fluorescent reporter approaches and shown to share a transcriptional profile akin to foetal photoreceptors. In this study we investigated the transcriptional profile of CRX+ photoreceptor precursors derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) using single cell RNA sequencing and their engraftment capacity in an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa (C3H/rd1). Single cell RNA seq analysis revealed the presence of dominant cell cluster which displayed the hallmarks of early cone photoreceptor expression. When transplanted subretinally into the C3H/rd1 mice, the Crx positive cells settled next to the inner nuclear layer of host retina, matured into cone photoreceptors and made connections with the inner neurones of the host retina. Cellular transfer between the host retina and donor photoreceptors was investigated and shown to be minimal. Together our data provide valuable molecular insights into the transcriptional profile of human pluripotent stem cells derived CRX+ photoreceptor precursors and indicate their usefulness as a source of transplantable cone photoreceptors. Overall design: CRX-GFP human ESC line was differentiated to retinal organoids. At day 90 CRX+ and CRX- cells were purified by flow activated cell sorting and subjected to single cell RNA-seq. RNA-seq of bulk CRX+ and CRX- from the same experiment was carried out in parallel.
CRX Expression in Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Photoreceptors Marks a Transplantable Subpopulation of Early Cones.
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View SamplesBasilar papillae (i.e.auditory epithelia) were isolated from 4-day-old chickens and sectioned into low, middle, and high frequency segments. RNA was isolated from each segment separately, amplified using a two-cycle approach, biotinylated, and hybridized to Affymetrix chicken whole-genome arrays.
Gene expression gradients along the tonotopic axis of the chicken auditory epithelium.
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View Samplesthe nuclear pore complex (NPC) is emerging as an important mediator of cellular processes beyond molecule transport, including control of gene expression, replication and DNA repair.
The Nup84 complex coordinates the DNA damage response to warrant genome integrity.
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A genome-wide function of THSC/TREX-2 at active genes prevents transcription-replication collisions.
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View SamplesTranscription is a major obstacle for replication fork progression and a cause of genome instability. Such instability increases in mutants with a suboptimal assembly of the nascent messenger ribonucleo-protein particle (mRNP), as THO/TREX and the NPC-associated THSC/TREX-2 complex.
A genome-wide function of THSC/TREX-2 at active genes prevents transcription-replication collisions.
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Excess of Yra1 RNA-Binding Factor Causes Transcription-Dependent Genome Instability, Replication Impairment and Telomere Shortening.
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View SamplesTranscription is a major obstacle for replication fork progression and a cause of genome instability. Such instability increases in mutants with an imbalance proportion of Yra1, a component of THO/TREX.
Excess of Yra1 RNA-Binding Factor Causes Transcription-Dependent Genome Instability, Replication Impairment and Telomere Shortening.
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The Npl3 hnRNP prevents R-loop-mediated transcription-replication conflicts and genome instability.
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View SamplesTranscription is a major obstacle for replication fork progression and a cause of genome instability. Such instability increases in mutants with a suboptimal assembly of the nascent messenger ribonucleo-protein particle (mRNP), as THO/TREX and some heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) mutants.
The Npl3 hnRNP prevents R-loop-mediated transcription-replication conflicts and genome instability.
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View SamplesWe measured transcriptional changes in four strains P2, rpoD3, rpoA14, and rpoA27 - in an effort to understand mechanisms by which L-tyrosine production is positively influenced by the presence of mutant rpoA- and rpoD-encoded transcriptional components.
Rational, combinatorial, and genomic approaches for engineering L-tyrosine production in Escherichia coli.
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