C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) are two of the most commonly used inbred mouse strains in neuroscience research. However, the only currently available mouse genome is based entirely on the B6 strain sequence. Subsequently, oligonucleotide microarray probes are based solely on this B6 reference sequence, making their application for gene expression profiling comparisons across mouse strains dubious due to their allelic sequence differences, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the RNA-Seq application provides a clear alternative to oligonucleotide arrays for detecting differential gene expression without the problems inherent to hybridization-based technologies. Using RNA-Seq, an average of 22 million short sequencing reads were generated per sample for 21 samples (10 B6 and 11 D2), and these reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome, allowing 16,183 Ensembl genes to be queried in striatum for both strains. To determine differential expression, 'digital mRNA counting' is applied based on reads that map to exons. The current study compares RNA-Seq (Illumina GA IIx) with two microarray platforms (Illumina MouseRef-8 v2.0 and Affymetrix MOE 430 2.0) to detect differential striatal gene expression between the B6 and D2 inbred mouse strains. We show that by using stringent data processing requirements differential expression as determined by RNA-Seq is concordant with both the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms in more instances than it is concordant with only a single platform, and that instances of discordance with respect to direction of fold change were rare. Finally, we show that additional information is gained from RNA-Seq compared to hybridization-based techniques as RNA-Seq detects more genes than either microarray platform. The majority of genes differentially expressed in RNA-Seq were only detected as present in RNA-Seq, which is important for studies with smaller effect sizes where the sensitivity of hybridization-based techniques could bias interpretation.
Evaluating gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mouse striatum using RNA-Seq and microarrays.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesC57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) are two of the most commonly used inbred mouse strains in neuroscience research. However, the only currently available mouse genome is based entirely on the B6 strain sequence (NCBI m37, April 2007). Subsequently, oligonucleotide microarray probes are based solely on this B6 reference sequence, making their application for gene expression profiling comparisons across mouse strains dubious due to their allelic sequence differences, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and the RNA-Seq application provides a clear alternative to oligonucleotide arrays for detecting differential gene expression without the problems inherent to hybridization-based technologies. Using RNA-Seq, an average of 22 million short sequencing reads were generated per sample for 21 samples (10 B6 and 11 D2), and these reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome, allowing 16,183 Ensembl genes to be queried in striatum for both strains. To determine differential expression, 'digital mRNA counting' is applied based on reads that map to exons. The current study compares RNA-Seq (Illumina GA IIx) with two microarray platforms (Illumina MouseRef-8 v2.0 and Affymetrix MOE 430 2.0) to detect differential striatal gene expression between the B6 and D2 inbred mouse strains. We show that by using stringent data processing requirements that differential expression as determined by RNA-Seq is concordant with both the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms in more instances than it is concordant with only a single platform, and that instances of discordance with respect to direction of fold change were rare. The large dynamic range of RNA-Seq detects thousands more genes than were observed with microarray analyses. This additional information gained by using this technology illustrates the value of RNA-Seq.
Evaluating gene expression in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mouse striatum using RNA-Seq and microarrays.
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View SamplesCellular and tissue defects associated with insulin resistance are coincident with transcriptional abnormalities and are improved after insulin sensitization with thiazolidinedione (TZD) PPAR ligands.
Mechanisms of human insulin resistance and thiazolidinedione-mediated insulin sensitization.
Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesWe characterized the insulin sensitivity and multi-tissue gene expression profiles of lean and insulin resistant, obese Zucker rats untreated or treated with one of four PPAR ligands (pioglitazone, rosiglitazone, troglitazone, and AG035029). We analyzed the transcriptional profiles of adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver from the rats and determined whether ligand insulin-sensitizing potency was related to ligand-induced alteration of functional pathways. Ligand treatments improved insulin sensitivity in obese rats, albeit to varying degrees.
Multi-tissue, selective PPARγ modulation of insulin sensitivity and metabolic pathways in obese rats.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesThe goal of this study was to determine the transcriptional changes associated with breast cancer cells undergoing vascular mimicry in a 3D assay. Two breast cancer cell lines were plated on matrigel in the presence or absence of serum. MDA-MB-231 cells undergo vascular mimicry on matrigel in the absence of serum, MDA-MB-453 cells do not. Overall design: Four samples were analyzed. MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-453 cells were plated for 24 hours on matrigel in the presence or absence of serum. MDA-MB-231 cells undergo vascular mimicry when plated on matrigel in the absence of serum, while MDA-MB-453 cells do not.
ZEB1-repressed microRNAs inhibit autocrine signaling that promotes vascular mimicry of breast cancer cells.
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View SamplesInhibition of SET by siRNA or SET antagonist and CIP2A by siRNA can downregulate c-MYC and c-MYC target genes. Overall design: Cells were treated with a SET antagonist (1µMOP449) for 12 hours, or siRNA for 48 hours.
Targeting c-MYC by antagonizing PP2A inhibitors in breast cancer.
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View SamplesRetinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the most common cause of childhood blindness worldwide and is caused by oxygen therapy necessary to prevent mortality after premature birth. We have previously demonstrated the efficacy of systemic hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) stabilization through HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibition (HIF PHi) in protecting retinal vasculature from oxygen toxicity in a mouse model of ROP or oxygen induced retinopathy (OIR). We definitively demonstrated that hepatic HIF-1 can be activated to confer this protection using systemic dimethyloxalylglycine (DMOG) to prevent HIF-1a degradation. In this study we compare Roxadustat, a small molecule stabilizer of HIF-1 currently in phase 3 clinical trials for increasing erythropoiesis in adult patients with chronic kidney disease, to DMOG. We demonstrate that Roxadustat induces vascular protection during hyperoxia to induce the coordinated sequential growth of retinal vasculature with a 3-fold reduction in oxygen induced capillary loss (p-=0.001). In order to define the molecular mechanism of protection, we further compared the transcriptome of both liver and retina after systemic treatment with Roxadustat or DMOG. Similar gene expression profiles were identified in liver but very different effects on transcription were found in retinal tissues because Roxadustat, in contrast to DMOG, directly targets retina, confirmed by western blot and by rescue of the hepatic HIF-1 KO, two criteria that DMOG treatment is unable to fulfill. Systems pharmacologic analysis demonstrates that Roxadustat induces typical HIF regulated genes critical to aerobic glycolysis in liver and retinal tissues whereas DMOG, acting through either secreted hepatokines or by influence of systemic DMOG, downregulates cell adhesion/extracellular matrix interaction pathways while increasing expression of histone cluster genes. Stratification of liver transcriptomes to secreted gene products again shows close consensus of hepatic genes induced by both small molecules, and includes upregulation of a plethora of angiogenic proteins such as plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1), erythropoietin (EPO), and orosomucosoid 2 (ORM2). Secondary validation of these transcripts by serum ELISA confirms secretion of EPO and PAI-1 into blood from liver. These findings definitively demonstrate that HIF stabilization can prevent OIR by two pathways: direct retinal HIF stabilization and induction of aerobic glycolysis or indirect, hepatic HIF-1 stabilization and increased serum angiokines. Systems pharmacology analysis therefore explains why intermittent, low dosage of small molecule HIF stabilizers creates a profound protective phenotype, because both pathways can take advantage of cytoprotection induced by the liver and by retina synergistically. These data provide a rationale for considering low dose, intermittent systemic administration of Roxadustat, currently in phase 3 trials in adults with chronic kidney disease, to eradicate ROP in children. Overall design: RNA-Seq of mice treated with PBS (control), DMOG, or Roxadustat from liver or retina.
Comparative systems pharmacology of HIF stabilization in the prevention of retinopathy of prematurity.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment, Subject
View SamplesCigarette smoking is the leading cause of emphysema in the United States. Alveolar macrophages play a critical role in the inflammation-mediated remodeling of the lung parenchyma in emphysema. However, the exact gene pathways and the role of DNA methylation in moderating this pathological transformation are not known. In order to more exactly understand this process, we compared genome-wide expression and methylation signatures of alveolar macrophages isolated from heavy smokers with those isolated from non-smoking controls. We found enrichment of differential methylation in genes from immune system and inflammatory pathways as determined by standard pathway analysis. Consistent with recent findings, significant methylation changes were particularly enriched in the areas flanking CpG islands (CpG shores). Analysis of matching gene expression data demonstrated a parallel enrichment for changes in immune system and inflammatory pathways. We conclude that alveolar macrophages from the lungs of smokers demonstrate coordinated changes in DNA methylation and gene expression that link to inflammation pathways. We suggest that further studies of DNA methylation in immune and inflammation-related gene expression are needed to understand the pathogenesis of emphysema and other smoking-related diseases.
Coordinated DNA methylation and gene expression changes in smoker alveolar macrophages: specific effects on VEGF receptor 1 expression.
Specimen part, Disease
View SamplesThe majority of transplanted organs are recovered from deceased donors after brain death (BD). BD has been hypothesized to compromise organ quality in part from the activation of systemic inflammation. The objective of this study was to characterize the immune response induced by BD in a well controlled non-human primate (NHP) model. Assessment of physiologic parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, urinary output, catecholamines, and cerebral angiograms) was used to confirm BD. After 6h of BD, we monitored changes in the peripheral blood by flow cytometry, liver gene expression by microarray and liver protein expression by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC). BD was indicated by a rapid increase in blood pressure followed by hemodynamic instability, hypotension, diabetes insipidus and the absence of cerebral blood flow and brain stem reflexes. Within the peripheral blood IL-6 levels and neutrophils increased and myeloid dendritic cells decreased in BD NHP when compared to living donor controls. Genes related to innate inflammatory response and apoptosis were significantly upregulated in BD NHP. BD livers showed increased expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) protein and the danger associated molecular pattern protein S100A9. Increased expression of intracellular cellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II, neutrophil accumulation, and products of oxidative stress (carboxy methyl lysine (CML) and hydroxynonenal (HNE)) were detected by IHC in livers. Conclusion: These data indicate that BD leads to the rapid activation of an inflammatory response within the liver involving components of the innate immune response at the gene and protein levels. The activation of these inflammatory pathways may provide one explanation for the reduced post-transplant function of organs from brain dead donors.
Early activation of the inflammatory response in the liver of brain-dead non-human primates.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesExamination of Pin1-regulated Myc target genes in a human breast epithelial cell line. Overall design: Two samples: control GFP-expressing MCF10A-Myc cells and Pin1-expressing MCF10A-Myc cells.
Pin1 regulates the dynamics of c-Myc DNA binding to facilitate target gene regulation and oncogenesis.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
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