The goal of this study is to simultaneously interrogate the gene expression programs in human host cells (human foreskin fibroblasts) infected with the intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. We conducted high-resolution sequencing of the transcriptomes of T. cruzi and infected human foreskin fibroblasts (HFFs) using an RNA-seq approach. An array of computational tools was applied to map reads to the T. cruzi and human genomes and reconstruct full-length transcripts. mRNA abundance was determined for T. cruzi genes at at various time points post-infection enabling us to identify co-expression patterns that correlate with the biology of the parasite. We also conducted a time course of infection in host cells to obtain a preliminary analysis of the dynamic nature of parasite and host cell gene expression programs in the context of infection. These data provide the first glimpse of T. cruzi gene expression programs that are uniquely activated in the context of intracellular infection along with the transcriptional response of the human host cell. The study provides a solid framework for future functional and genomic studies of Chagas disease as well as intracellular pathogenesis in general.
Transcriptome Remodeling in Trypanosoma cruzi and Human Cells during Intracellular Infection.
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Cardiac transcriptome profiling of diabetic Akita mice using microarray and next generation sequencing.
Specimen part
View SamplesHere we show that biotin-labelled miR-34a can be loaded to AGO2, and AGO2 immunoprecipitation can pulldown biotinylated miR-34a (Bio-miR pulldown). RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) of the Bio-miR pulldown RNAs efficiently identified miR-34a mRNA targets, which could be verified with luciferase assays. In contrast to the approach of Bio-miR pulldown, RNA-seq of miR-34a overexpression samples had limited value in identifying direct targets of miR-34a. It seems that pulldown of 30 -Biotin-tagged miRNA can identify bona fide microRNA targets at least for miR34a. Overall design: biotin-labelled miR-34a pulldown and RNA sequencing of miR-34a overexpression samples
Comparing two approaches of miR-34a target identification, biotinylated-miRNA pulldown vs miRNA overexpression.
Cell line, Subject
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PrtT-regulated proteins secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus activate MAPK signaling in exposed A549 lung cells leading to necrotic cell death.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesResponse of A549 cells treated with Aspergillus fumigatus wild type germinating conidia (WT_GC) or PrtT protease deficient mutant conidia (PrtT-GC) or inert acrylic 2-4 micron beads (Beads) for 8h
PrtT-regulated proteins secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus activate MAPK signaling in exposed A549 lung cells leading to necrotic cell death.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesResponse of A549 cells treated with Aspergillus fumigatus wild type culture filtrate (WT-CF) or PrtT protease deficient mutant culture filtrate (PrtT-CF) for 8h
PrtT-regulated proteins secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus activate MAPK signaling in exposed A549 lung cells leading to necrotic cell death.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesResponse of A549 cells treated with Aspergillus fumigatus germinating conidia (WT-GC) or culture filtrate (WT-CF) for 8h
PrtT-regulated proteins secreted by Aspergillus fumigatus activate MAPK signaling in exposed A549 lung cells leading to necrotic cell death.
Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesMicroarrays were used to examine gene expression changes that may be present in the fallopian tube epithelium of morphologically normal BRCA1 mutation positive and negative subjects. Fallopian tube epithelia has been implicated as an early point of origin for serous carcninoma. By examining the early events present in the microenvironment of this tissue between BRCA1 mutation carriers and non-carriers, we hoped to elucidate mechanisms that may lead to the development of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Identification of abrogated pathways in fallopian tube epithelium from BRCA1 mutation carriers.
Specimen part
View SamplesBackground: The present study is aimed at identifying potential candidate genes as prognostic markers in human oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by large scale gene expression profiling. Methods: The gene expression profile of patients (n=37) with oral tongue SCC were analyzed using Affymetrix HG_U95Av2 high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Hierarchical clustering analyses failed to show significant segregation of patients. In patients (n=20) with available tumor and matched normal mucosa, 77 genes were found to be differentially expressed (P< 0.05) in the tongue tumor samples compared to their matched normal controls. Among the 45 over-expressed genes, MMP-1 encoding interstitial collagenase showed the highest level of increase (average: 34.18 folds). The 20 patients were then grouped into stage (early vs. late) and nodal disease (node positive vs. node negative) subgroups and genes differentially expressed in tumor vs. normal and between the subgroups were identified. Three genes, GLUT3, HSAL2, and PACE4, were selected for their potential biological significance in a larger cohort of 49 patients by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Results: Using the criterion of two-fold or greater as overexpression, 30.6%, 24.5% and 26.5% of patients showed high levels of GLUT3, HSAL2 and PACE4, respectively. Univariate analyses demonstrated that GLUT3 over-expression correlated with depth of invasion (P<0.0001), tumor size (P=0.024), pathological stage (P=0.009) and recurrence (P=0.038). HSAL2 was positively associated with depth of invasion (P=0.015) and advanced T stage (P=0.0467). In survival studies, only GLUT3 showed a prognostic value with disease-specific (P=0.049), relapse-free (P-0.0042) and overall survival (P=0.003). PACE4 mRNA expression failed to show correlation with any of the relevant parameters. Conclusions: The characterization of genes identified to be significant predictors of prognosis by oligonucleotide microarray and further validation by real-time RT-PCR offers a powerful strategy for identification of novel targets for prognostication and treatment of oral tongue carcinoma.
Oral tongue cancer gene expression profiling: Identification of novel potential prognosticators by oligonucleotide microarray analysis.
Specimen part
View SamplesWe sequenced total RNA from human monocyte derived macrophages (n = 6, healthy donors) pre-treated with calcineurin inhibitor FK506 (10 ng/ml) for 1h and stimulated with live Aspergillus fumigatus swollen conidia (MOI=1) for 1h and 6h. Overall design: We sequenced total RNA from human monocyte derived macrophages from six healthy donors. For each donor, we had six conditions (Unstimulated control, FK506 pre-treated control, 1 hour stimulation with live Aspergillus fumigatus, 1 hour stimulation with live Aspergillus fumigatus with FK506 pre-treatment, 6 hour stimulation with live Aspergillus fumigatus, 6 hour stimulation with live Aspergillus fumigatus with FK506 pre-treatment. In total we analysed 36 samples (6 healthy donors with 6 conditions).
Calcineurin Orchestrates Lateral Transfer of Aspergillus fumigatus during Macrophage Cell Death.
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