Fibroblast growth factor-2 delays the loss of chondrogenic potential in adult bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Fibroblast growth factor-2 enhances proliferation and delays loss of chondrogenic potential in human adult bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
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View SamplesHuman mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were transduced using lentivirus containing the the triple fusion reporter gene fluc-mrfp-ttk. Microarray studies of hMSCs after transduction with the triple reporter genes using lentivirus were performed to study the effects of transduction on stem cell properties using an oligonucleotide human microarray. Transduced cells were sorted by FACS. Cells with high and low signals were ftacrtionated, and gene expression profiles were determined.
Transcriptional profiling of human mesenchymal stem cells transduced with reporter genes for imaging.
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View SamplesGene expression profiling in soybean under aluminum stress: genes differentially expressed between Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive genotypes.
Mechanisms of magnesium amelioration of aluminum toxicity in soybean at the gene expression level.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesGene expression profiling in soybean under aluminum stress: mechanisms of magnesium amelioration of aluminum toxicity at gene expression level.
Mechanisms of magnesium amelioration of aluminum toxicity in soybean at the gene expression level.
Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesGene expression profiling in soybean under aluminum stress: Transcriptome response to Al stress in roots of Al-tolerant genotype (PI 416937).
Identification of Aluminum Responsive Genes in Al-Tolerant Soybean Line PI 416937.
Specimen part
View SamplesMany questions about the regulation, functional specialization, computational prediction, and evolution of genomic imprinting would be better addressed by having an exhaustive genome-wide catalog of genes that display parent-of-origin differential expression. As a first-pass scan for novel imprinted genes, we performed mRNA-seq experiments on E17.5 mouse placenta cDNA samples from reciprocal cross F1 progeny of AKR and PWD mouse strains, and quantified the allele-specific expression and the degree of parent-of-origin effect transcriptome-wide. We confirmed the imprinting status of 23 known imprinted genes in the placenta, and found that 12 genes reported previously to be imprinted in other tissues are also imprinted in mouse placenta. Through a well-replicated design using an orthogonal technology, we verified five novel imprinted genes that are not known to be imprinted in mouse. It appears that most of the strongly imprinted genes have already been identified, at least in the placenta, and that evidence supports perhaps 100 additional weakly imprinted genes. Despite previous appearance that the placenta tends to display an excess of maternally-expressed imprinted genes, when the full set of genes is uniformly scored as in this study, this maternal bias disappeared. Overall design: Examine allelic expression in E17.5 placenta tissues from two individual samples, one from each of the two reciprocal crosses.
A survey for novel imprinted genes in the mouse placenta by mRNA-seq.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesEwg differentially regulated genes in 16-18 h Drosophila embryos. The experiment contains expression measurements from wild type, ewg l1 protein null allele and ewg l1 elavEWG (elavEWG rescue construct expressing a ewg cDNA from the elav promoter) mutants.
Erect wing regulates synaptic growth in Drosophila by integration of multiple signaling pathways.
View SamplesIn this study, we initially screened over 1400 natural products for capacity to inhibit the kinetic enzyme activity of nuclear HDACs isolated from SK-MEL-3 cells. From these findings we evaluate whole transcriptome changes that occur at a 24 hour time point in SK-ME-3 cells in the presence of a known HDAC inhibitor (Trichostatin A) (1uM) or a natural product HDAC inhibitor Grapeseed Extract (120ug/ml), both tested at sub-lethal concentrations relative to untreated controls. Microarrays were acquired for mRNAs and long intergenic non-coding RNA transcripts using the GeneChip Human 2.1ST ARRAY by Affymetrix Inc
Whole-transcriptomic Profile of SK-MEL-3 Melanoma Cells Treated with the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor: Trichostatin A.
Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesWe analyzed gene expression profiles of myeloma cells belonging to the group of bas prognosis RPMI 8226 and LP1 expressing either the GFP protein or a cyclin D1-GFP fusion protein
Cyclin D1 sensitizes myeloma cells to endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis by activating the unfolded protein response pathway.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTissues from the eye primordia, lateral endoderm, and posterior
Generation of functional eyes from pluripotent cells.
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