Triggering of B cell receptors (BCR) induces a massive synthesis of NFATc1 in splenic B cells. By inactivating the Nfatc1 gene and re-expressing NFATc1 we show that NFATc1 levels are critical for the survival of splenic B cells upon BCR stimulation. NFATc1 ablation led to decreased BCR-induced Ca++ flux and proliferation of splenic B cells, increased apoptosis and suppressed germinal centre formation and immunoglobulin class switch by T cell-independent antigens. By controlling IL-10 synthesis in B cells, NFATc1 supported the proliferation and IL-2 synthesis of T cells in vitro and appeared to contribute to the mild clinical course of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in mice bearing NFATc1-/- B cells. These data indicate NFATc1 as a key factor controlling B cell function.
NFATc1 affects mouse splenic B cell function by controlling the calcineurin--NFAT signaling network.
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View SamplesThe statsitcal model, latent pathway identification analysis (LPIA), was implemented for the analysis of A549 lung carcinoma cells treated with geldanamycin. Control and treated samples were assayed with Affymetrix HG_U133_plus_2 arrays and analyzed using LPIA. LPIA looks for statistically signcant evidence of dysregulation in a network of pathways constructed in a manner that explicitly links pathways through their common function in the cell. Geldanamycin (geld) is known to inhibit the molecular chaperone protein, Hsp90, and plays a role in preventing the malignant transformation and proliferation of healthy cells during oncogenesis. LPIA successfully identified pathways specific to geldanamycin effects at the gene transcription level.
Network-based prediction for sources of transcriptional dysregulation using latent pathway identification analysis.
Specimen part, Cell line, Time
View SamplesMYB-bHLH-TTG1 regulates Arabidopsis seed coat biosynthesis pathways directly and indirectly via multiple tiers of transcription factors
MYB-bHLH-TTG1 Regulates Arabidopsis Seed Coat Biosynthesis Pathways Directly and Indirectly via Multiple Tiers of Transcription Factors.
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View SamplesWe report a transcriptome comparison of HEK293 cells modified at the DPYSL2 gene promoter dinucleotide repeat (chr8:26,435,510-26,435,534) by CRISPR/Cas9 to change from the common 11 repeats to the more rare 13 repeats Overall design: 11/11 repeat HEK 293 cells were modified by CRISPR/Cas 9. Cell were flow sorted by the co-transfected GFP and single cells were expanded. From those we selected 4 modified and 8 unmodified clones for RNA seq. RNA was extracted at 80% confluency
The DPYSL2 gene connects mTOR and schizophrenia.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesThe MYB gene family encodes transcription factors with a diverse range of functions in Arabidopsis. This study demonstrated that MYB5, which is expressed in trichomes and seeds, plays a central role in trichome and seed development. A microarray analysis of myb5 seeds identified other members of the MYB5 regulatory network.
The Arabidopsis MYB5 transcription factor regulates mucilage synthesis, seed coat development, and trichome morphogenesis.
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View SamplesBackground: In malaria, parasites of the genus Plasmodium elicit robust host expansion of macrophages and monocytes, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In a microarray analysis of pooled, activated CD4+ T cells from mice infected with P. chabaudi, we detected inducible expression of Csf1, which promotes macrophage proliferation. To better characterize Csf1-producing T cells, single-cell RNA-Seq was performed. Results: Robust Csf1 expression was detected in a subset of sampled CD4+ T cells (n = 14/35), whereas the remainder of cells had no detectable Csf1. Further, we identified ~ 400 genes that were differentially expressed between Csf1+ and Csf1- T cells. Conclusions: This work defines the transcriptional landscape of a subset of activated CD4+ T cells that produce the cytokine Csf1. These cells are expected to be important in infections with intracellular pathogens such as Plasmodium. Overall design: Antigen-experienced (CD11a+ CD49d+) CD4+ T cells were isolated by double-sorting from the blood of C57BL/6 adult female mice 6 days post-infection with Plasmodium chabaudi. Single cells were isolated and processed for RNA sequencing using a Fluidigm C1 integrated fluidic circuit chip. 35 biological replicates were analyzed.
Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Derived from CD4+ T Cells Contributes to Control of a Blood-Borne Infection.
Sex, Specimen part, Subject, Time
View SamplesAnalysis of gene expression in prostatic tissue from BPH patients with and without SRD5A2 gene methylation. The hypothesis is that BPH patients with DNA methylation of the SRD5A2 gene promoter have impaired conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, and therefore may use an alternative signaling pathway for prostatic tissue growth. Here, we compare gene expression profiles of SRD5A2-methylated vs. unmethylated prostatic tissue to nominate alternative biological pathways relevant in each molecular subtype of BPH.
Androgenic to oestrogenic switch in the human adult prostate gland is regulated by epigenetic silencing of steroid 5α-reductase 2.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesDespite the fact that clinically relevant infectious agents such as human immunodeficiency virus enter through the intestinal mucosa, the intestinal T cell response to infection remains understudied. Listeria monocytogenes (LM) has been used as a model organism for studying T cell responses and the normal route of infection for LM and a potential route for use of LM as a vaccine are through ingestion. Nevertheless, the vast majority of LM immunological studies utilize inoculation routes other than oral. Moreover in the bacterial strains used the internalin. A protein binds human E-cadherin with high affinity but poorly binds mouse E-cadherin. This receptor-ligand pairing is required for entry of LM into intestinal epithelial cells. The oral infection studies proposed here utilize a recombinant LM that expresses an internalin A protein with high affinity for mouse E-cadherin. Thus, the physiologic route and entry point of LM is recapitulated in our studies. Our preliminary studies revealed a remarkable mucosal TCR gd T cell response to oral LM infection, whose kinetics mimic an adaptive T cell response. Most importantly, this phenotypically and functionally distinct subset of mucosal TCR gd T cells are retained long-term and undergo a recall response upon challenge. The hypothesis to be tested in this proposal is that this specialized subset of putative memory TCR gd T cells is important for protection against LM infection and also regulates the long-term protective CD8 TCR ab response. This hypothesis will be tested in the following specific aims: Aim 1. To test whether a subset of TCR gd represent bona fide mucosal memory cells. A detailed kinetic, phenotypic and functional analysis of the primary and secondary TCR gd cell response to oral LM infection will be undertaken. Aim 2. To determine the requirements for mucosal TCRgd activation in response to LM infection. Here we will test the role of dendritic cells, cosfimulation and cytokines in mounting primary and secondary TCR gd cell responses. Aim 3. To visualize the mucosal TCR gd cell response to oral LM infection. The oral infection system provides an exceptional opportunity to examine the anatomy of the mucosal TCR gd cell response.
γδ T cells exhibit multifunctional and protective memory in intestinal tissues.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesGene expression, histone modification, DNA methylation, and DNA hydroxymethylation from normal, cirrhotic, and HCC livers Overall design: 10 total samples (2 normal, 4 cirrhosis, 4 HCC). Cirrhosis and HCC are from the same four patients.
Integrating the Epigenome to Identify Drivers of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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View SamplesPP2A regulates inflammatory cytokine/chemokine gene expression by dephosphorylating protein kinases at multiple signaling pathways from stimulated cells. In this dataset, Affymetrix mouse Gene ST 2.1 Array was used to assay total RNA extracted from LPS-treated PP2AC knockout BMDM (PP2ACfl/fl;lyM-Cre) and the control BMDM (PP2ACfl/fl)
Myeloid-Specific Gene Deletion of Protein Phosphatase 2A Magnifies MyD88- and TRIF-Dependent Inflammation following Endotoxin Challenge.
Specimen part
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