Prosaposin encodes, in tandem, four small acidic activator proteins (saposins) with specificities for glycosphingolipids hydrolases in lysosomes. To explore the molecular mechanism(s) of disease progression, temporal transcriptome microarray analyses of cerebrum and cerebellum tissues were conducted using mRNA from three prosaposin deficiency mouse models: PS-NA (hypomorphic prosaposin deficiency), PS-/- (prosaposin null) and 4L/PS-NA (a V394L/V394L glucocerebrosidase mutation and PS-NA) mice. Our results indicate that regionally specific gene expression abnormalities preceded the histological and behavioral changes and CEBPD is a candidate regulator of brain disease in prosaposin deficiency. The alterations of gene expression are detected at birth and are more profound in cerebellum than cerebrum.
Temporal gene expression profiling reveals CEBPD as a candidate regulator of brain disease in prosaposin deficient mice.
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View SamplesIn order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying individual variation in sensitivity to ethanol we profiled the prefrontal cortex transcriptomes of two inbred strains that exhibit divergent responses to acute ethanol, the C57BL6/J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) strains, as well as 27 members of the BXD recombinant inbred panel, which was derived from a B6 x D2 cross. With this dataset we were able to identify several gene co-expression networks that were robustly altered by acute ethanol across the BXD panel. These ethanol-responsive gene-enriched networks were heavily populated by genes regulating synaptic transmission and neuroplasticity, and showed strong genetic linkage to discreet chromosomal loci. Network-based measurements of node importance identified several hub genes as established regulators of ethanol response phenotypes, while other hubs represent novel candidate modulators of ethanol responses.
Genetic dissection of acute ethanol responsive gene networks in prefrontal cortex: functional and mechanistic implications.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesFour male SHR/Ola, BN and SHR-18 rats were fed a normal diet and sacrificed at 9 weeks of age. Four male SHR/Ola and SHR-18 rats at 8 weeks of age were fed 1% NaCl for one week and then sacrificed. Kidneys were removed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for all 20 animals. Total RNA was isolated, labelled cRNA was generated and hybridised to Affymetrix Rat RG-U34ABC arrays.
Dissection of chromosome 18 blood pressure and salt-sensitivity quantitative trait loci in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesIn response to limited nitrogen and abundant carbon sources, diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains undergo a filamentous transition in cell growth as part of pseudohyphal differentiation. Use of the disaccharide maltose as the principal carbon source, in contrast to the preferred nutrient monosaccharide glucose, has been shown to induce a hyper-filamentous growth phenotype in a strain deficient for GPA2 which codes for a Galpha protein component that interacts with the glucose-sensing receptor Gpr1p to regulate filamentous growth. In this report, we compare the global transcript and proteomic profiles of wild-type and Gpa2p deficient diploid yeast strains grown on both rich and nitrogen starved maltose media. We find that deletion of GPA2 results in significantly different transcript and protein profiles when switching from rich to nitrogen starvation media. The results are discussed with a focus on the genes associated with carbon utilization, or regulation thereof, and a model for the contribution of carbon sensing/metabolism-based signal transduction to pseudohyphal differentiation is proposed.
Transcript and proteomic analyses of wild-type and gpa2 mutant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains suggest a role for glycolytic carbon source sensing in pseudohyphal differentiation.
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View SamplesSequencing data related to our manuscript "Systematic identification of general and context-specific regulators of phagocytosis using magnetic genome-wide CRISPR screens" Overall design: Two groups of U937 cells were sequenced before and after PMA differentiation. One group carried Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 and a safe-harbor control sgRNA, and the second group was a clonally expanded U937 line expressing GFP. Each group was separated into eight separate wells at d0, and half of the wells were treated with 50 nM PMA. At day 3, undifferentiated cells were split to prevent overcrowding, and differentiated cells were trypsinized and replated. Cells were allowed to recover for 2 additional days before cells were lysed for RNA harvest and sequencing.
Identification of phagocytosis regulators using magnetic genome-wide CRISPR screens.
Cell line, Subject
View SamplesTo attain deeper insight into metabolic alterations in Trpm6 gene deficient mice we used microarrays for profiling of hepatic transcripts of Trpm6 ko and control mice.
Epithelial magnesium transport by TRPM6 is essential for prenatal development and adult survival.
Sex, Age
View SamplesWe used laser capture microdissection to isolate different zones of the articular cartilage from proximal tibiae of 1-week old mice, and used microarray to analyze global gene expression. Bioinformatic analysis corroborated previously known signaling pathways, such as Wnt and Bmp signaling, and implicated novel pathways, such as ephrin and integrin signaling, for spatially associated articular chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation. In addition, comparison of the spatial regulation of articular and growth plate cartilage revealed unexpected similarities between the superficial zone of the articular cartilage and the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate.
Gene expression profiling reveals similarities between the spatial architectures of postnatal articular and growth plate cartilage.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesArticular and growth plate cartilage have comparable structures consisting of three distinct layers of chondrocytes, suggesting similar differentiation programs and therefore similar gene expression profiles. To address this hypothesis and to explore transcriptional changes that occur during the onset of articular and growth plate cartilage divergence, we used microdissection of 10-day-old rat proximal tibial epiphyses, microarray analysis, and bioinformatics to compare gene expression profiles in individual layers of articular and growth plate cartilage.
Gene expression profiling reveals similarities between the spatial architectures of postnatal articular and growth plate cartilage.
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesThe mechanisms instructing genesis of neuronal subtypes from mammalian neural precursors are not well-understood. To address this issue, we have characterized the transcriptional landscape of radial glial precursors (RPs) in the embryonic murine cortex. We show that individual RPs express mRNA but not protein for transcriptional specifiers of both deep and superficial layer cortical neurons. Some of these mRNAs, including the superficial versus deep layer neuron transcriptional regulators Brn1 and Tle4, are translationally repressed by their association with the RNA-binding protein Pumilio2 and the 4E-T protein. When these repressive complexes are disrupted in RPs mid-neurogenesis by knocking down 4E-T or Pum2, this causes aberrant co-expression of deep layer neuron specification proteins in newborn superficial neurons. Thus, cortical RPs are transcriptionally primed to generate diverse types of neurons, and a 4E-T-Pum2 complex represses translation of some of these neuronal identity mRNAs to ensure appropriate temporal specification of daughter neurons.
A Translational Repression Complex in Developing Mammalian Neural Stem Cells that Regulates Neuronal Specification.
Specimen part
View SamplesAdult neural stem cells (NSCs) derive from embryonic precursors, but little is known about how or when this occurs. We have addressed this issue using single cell RNAseq at multiple developmental timepoints to analyze the embryonic murine cortex, one source of adult forebrain NSCs. We computationally identify all major cortical cell types, including the embryonic radial precursors (RPs) that generate adult NSCs. We define the initial emergence of RPs from neuroepithelial stem cells at E11.5. We show that by E13.5 these RPs express a transcriptional identity that is maintained and reinforced throughout their transition to a non-proliferative state between E15.5 and E17.5. These slowly-proliferating late embryonic RPs share a core transcriptional phenotype with quiescent adult forebrain NSCs. Together, these findings support a model where cortical RPs maintain a core transcriptional identity from embryogenesis through to adulthood, and where the transition to a quiescent adult NSC occurs during late neurogenesis. Overall design: We applied the high-throughput single-cell mRNA sequencing technique, Drop-seq, to the embryonic mouse cortex. 2000-5000 single cells from wildtype CD1 embryos of gestational ages E11.5, E13.5, E15.5 and E17.5 were characterized.
Developmental Emergence of Adult Neural Stem Cells as Revealed by Single-Cell Transcriptional Profiling.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
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