Effects of treatment with Nimodipine on N9 cells
Nimodipine fosters remyelination in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis and induces microglia-specific apoptosis.
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Functionally distinct patterns of nucleosome remodeling at enhancers in glucocorticoid-treated acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesPrecise nucleosome positioning is an increasingly recognized feature of promoters and enhancers, reflecting complex contributions of DNA sequence, nucleosome positioning, histone modification and transcription factor binding to enhancer activity and regulation of gene expression. Changes in nucleosome position and occupancy, histone variants and modifications, and chromatin remodeling are also critical elements of dynamic transcriptional regulation, but poorly understood at enhancers. We investigated glucocorticoid receptor-associated (GR) nucleosome dynamics at enhancers in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. For the first time, we demonstrate functionally distinct modes of nucleosome remodeling upon chromatin binding by GR, which we term central, non-central, phased, and minimal. Central and non-central remodeling reflect nucleosome eviction by GR and cofactors, respectively. Phased remodeling involves nucleosome repositioning and is associated with rapidly activated enhancers and induction of gene expression. Minimal remodeling sites initially have low levels of enhancerassociated histone modification, but the majority of these regions gain H3K4me2 or H3K27Ac to become de novo enhancers. Minimal remodeling regions are associated with gene ontologies specific to decreased B cell number and mTOR inhibition and may make unique contributions to glucocorticoid-induced leukemia cell death. Our findings form a novel framework for understanding the dynamic interplay between transcription factor binding, nucleosome remodeling, enhancer function, and gene expression in the leukemia response to glucocorticoids.
Functionally distinct patterns of nucleosome remodeling at enhancers in glucocorticoid-treated acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesInhibition of insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) represents a promising avenue for the treatment of mitochondrial diseases, although many of the molecular mechanisms underlying this beneficial effect remain elusive. Here, we analyze the transcriptome of a well established model for mitochondrial deficiency, gas-1(fc21) mutant nematodes, which when placed in a genetic context of IIS inhibition, undergo metabolic rewiring leading to a massive lifespan extension Overall design: 5 biological replicates each of wild-type, gas-1(fc21) and age-1(hx546);gas-1(fc21) mutant nematodes (L4 stage) were analyzed by RNA Next Generation Sequencing
Multi-omics identify xanthine as a pro-survival metabolite for nematodes with mitochondrial dysfunction.
View SamplesExpression analysis of mature Arabidopsis trichomes in Col-0 and two mutants, triptychon (try-JC) and glabra3 (gl3-3)
Transcriptional profiling of mature Arabidopsis trichomes reveals that NOECK encodes the MIXTA-like transcriptional regulator MYB106.
Specimen part
View SamplesWe cultured tumor cells from 22 GBM under medium conditions favoring the growth of neural stem cells. 11 out of 15 primary GBM contained a significant CD133+ subpopulation that comprised cells showing all hallmarks of neural stem cells. Cell lines derived from these CD133+ GBM showed a neurosphere-like, non-adherent growth pattern. In contrast, 4 out of 15 cell lines derived from primary GBM grew adherent in vitro and were driven by CD133- tumor cells that fulfilled stem cell criteria. In vivo, these GBM were characterized by a significantly lower proliferation index but similar GFAP staining as compared to CD133+ GBM. Gene arrays from 2x3 representative cells lines are given.
CD133(+) and CD133(-) glioblastoma-derived cancer stem cells show differential growth characteristics and molecular profiles.
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View SamplesA split-split-plot design with 144 experimental units (3 replications x 4 genotypes x 6 time points x 2 treatment types) was used to profile barley plants containing variants of Mla1 and Mla6 powdery mildew resistance genes in response to inoculation with the Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) isolates 5874 (AvrMla1, AvrMla6). Barley leaves were harvested from inoculated and non-inoculated plants at 6 time points (0,8,16,20,24 and 32 hrs) after Bgh inoculation. ****[PLEXdb(http://www.plexdb.org) has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Rico Caldo. The equivalent experiment is BB10 at PLEXdb.]
Blufensin1 negatively impacts basal defense in response to barley powdery mildew.
Specimen part, Time
View SamplesA large-scale parallel expression analysis was conducted to elucidate Mla-specified responses to powdery mildew infection using 22K Barley1 GeneChip probe arrays. Our goal was to identify genes differentially expressed in incompatible (resistant) vs. compatible (susceptible) and Mla-specified Rar1-dependent vs. -independent interactions. A split-split-plot design with 108 experimental units (3 replications x 2 isolates x 3 genotypes x 6 time points) was used to profile near-isogenic lines containing the Mla1, Mla6, and Mla13 resistance specificities in response to inoculation with the Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) isolates 5874 (AvrMla1, AvrMla6) and K1 (AvrMla1, AvrMla13). ****[PLEXdb(http://www.plexdb.org) has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Rico Caldo. The equivalent experiment is BB4 at PLEXdb.]
Interaction-dependent gene expression in Mla-specified response to barley powdery mildew.
Specimen part, Time
View SamplesTime-course expression profiles of Bgh challenged barley cultivar C.I. 16151 (harboring the Mla6 powdery mildew resistance allele) and its fast-neutron-derived "Bgh-induced tip cell death1" mutant, bcd1, were compared using the 22K Barley1 GeneChip. Planting, stage of seedlings, harvesting, and experimental design were part of a larger experiment described by Caldo et al. (2004). PLEXdb BB4. Experiment Design: C.I. 16151 (wildtype) and bcd1 (mutant) were planted in separate 20 x 30-cm flats using sterilized potting soil. Each experimental flat consisted of six rows of 15 seedlings, with rows randomly assigned to one of six harvest time points (0, 8, 16, 20, 24, and 32 hai). Seedlings grown to the 1st leaf stage with 2nd leaf unfolded were inoculated with a high density of fresh conidiospores (84 +/- 19 spores/mm2). Groups of flats were placed at 18C (8-hour darkness, 16-hour light) in separate controlled growth chambers corresponding to the Bgh isolates. Rows of plants were harvested at each assigned time points and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. The entire experiment was repeated three times in a standard split-split-plot design with 72 experimental units (2 genotypes x 2 pathogen isolates x 6 time points x 3 replications). Treatment Description: The samples constituted pairwise combinations of the the cultivar C.I. 16151(containing the Mla6 resistance allele), and its fast-neutron-derived "Bgh-induced tip cell death1" mutant, bcd1 with the two Bgh (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei) isolates, 5874 (AvrMla6, AvrMla1) and K1 (AvrMla13, AvrMla1). For each replication, individual genotypes were planted in separate 20 x 30 cm flats using sterilized potting soil. Each experimental flat consisted of six rows of 15 seedlings, with rows randomly assigned to one of six harvest times (0, 8, 16, 20, 24, and 32 hai). Seedlings were grown to the 2nd-leaf stage with 1st leaf unfolded, and inoculation was performed at 4 PM Central Standard Time by tipping the flats at 45oC and dusting the plants with a high density of fresh conidiospores [84 +/- 19 spores/mm2]. This procedure was repeated from the opposite angle to ensure that a high proportion of the cells are in contact with the fungus. This conidial density per unit leaf area routinely results in greater than 50% of epidermal cells that are successfully infected. Groups of flats were placed at 18oC (8 hours darkness, 16 hours light, 8 hours darkness) in separate controlled growth chambers corresponding to the Bgh isolate. Rows of plants were harvested at their assigned harvest times and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. ****[PLEXdb(http://www.plexdb.org) has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Roger P Wise. The equivalent experiment is BB46 at PLEXdb.]
Interaction-dependent gene expression in Mla-specified response to barley powdery mildew.
Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesBarley stripe mosaic virus-induced gene silencing (BSMV-VIGS) was used to identify significant new genes in the regulation of host innate immunity. This experiment was designed to uncover significant changes in Bln1 (Contig12219_at)-silenced plants relative to empty vector and buffer treated controls. Five independent biological replications of a split-plot experimental design were conducted with replications as blocks, treatment with Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) as the whole-plot factor, and all combinations of genotype (Mla13 and Mla9) and VIGS treatment [Buffer control (mock), BSMV:00 (empty vector), and BSMV:Bln1248] as the split-plot factor for a total of 60 GeneChip hybridizations. Ten seedlings were used as a split-plot experimental unit for each combination of replication, Bgh treatment, genotype, and VIGS treatment. Plants were grown in a controlled 20C glasshouse prior to VIGS treatment. Twelve days after VIGS treatment, half of the plants in each replication were challenged with the compatible Bgh isolate 5874. Top halves of 5 of the 10 seedling third leaves (about 10 cm) from each split-plot experimental unit were harvested into liquid N2 at 32 hours after inoculation (HAI) - the timepoint with the highest differential Bln1 transcript accumulation (Meng et al. 2009), and after initial establishment of the perihaustorial interface (Caldo et al. 2004). The remaining 5 leaves were used to record infection phenotype 7 days later. RNA was isolated for GeneChip hybridization from the 32-HAI samples. ****[PLEXdb(http://www.plexdb.org) has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Yan Meng. The equivalent experiment is BB101 at PLEXdb.]
Blufensin1 negatively impacts basal defense in response to barley powdery mildew.
Age, Specimen part
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