An ERF transcription factor, Submergence-1A (Sub1A), dramatically enhances the tolerance to prolonged submergence in rice. For instance, rice accessions which lack Sub1A (e.g. M202) die within 7-10 d of complete submergence. By contrast, genotypes which posses Sub1A (e.g. M202(Sub1)) can endure submergence stress for 14 d. In this study, the two near isogenic lines with and without Sub1A were subjected to microarray analysis using Affymetrix Gene Chip technology. This analysis provided beneficial information to elucidate general response to submergence stress and to estimate Sub1A-dependent defense response to the stress at mRNA accumulation level.
Cross-kingdom comparison of transcriptomic adjustments to low-oxygen stress highlights conserved and plant-specific responses.
Age, Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesWe constructed a polycistronic lentiviral vector to overexpress 3 germ cell specific genes (Stella, Oct4 and Nanos2) in mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEFs) and evaluated the transcriptome portrait in partially reprogrammed cells.We sequenced RNA samples from bulk cell population of two biological duplicates of MEF-GFP (control) and MEF-SON (overexpressed) 21 days post infection. Differential expression analysis of 50 M pair-end read per samples showed overexpression of neurogenesis, blood vessel and proliferation related genes and downregulation of chondroitin sulphate metabolic process, nitric oxide production and innate immune response genes. Overall design: Examination of whole transcriptome following concurrent overexpression of Stella, Oct4 and Nanos2 in MEFs.
Suppression of dsRNA response genes and innate immunity following Oct4, Stella, and Nanos2 overexpression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
Specimen part, Cell line, Subject
View SamplesThe identification of multiple signals at individual loci could explain additional phenotypic variance ('missing heritability') of common traits, and help identify causal genes. We examined gene expression levels as a model trait because of the large number of strong genetic effects acting in cis. Using expression profiles from 613 individuals, we performed genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses to identify cis-expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs), and conditional analysis to identify second signals. We examined patterns of association when accounting for multiple SNPs at a locus and when including additional SNPs from the 1000 Genomes Project. We identified 1298 cis-eQTLs at an approximate false discovery rate 0.01, of which 118 (9%) showed evidence of a second independent signal. For this subset of 118 traits, accounting for two signals resulted in an average 31% increase in phenotypic variance explained (Wilcoxon P< 0.0001). The association of SNPs with cis gene expression could increase, stay similar or decrease in significance when accounting for linkage disequilibrium with second signals at the same locus. Pairs of SNPs increasing in significance tended to have gene expression increasing alleles on opposite haplotypes, whereas pairs of SNPs decreasing in significance tended to have gene expression increasing alleles on the same haplotypes. Adding data from the 1000 Genomes Project showed that apparently independent signals could be potentially explained by a single association signal. Our results show that accounting for multiple variants at a locus will increase the variance explained in a substantial fraction of loci, but that allelic heterogeneity will be difficult to define without resequencing loci and functional work.
Allelic heterogeneity and more detailed analyses of known loci explain additional phenotypic variation and reveal complex patterns of association.
Specimen part
View SamplesGene expression was studied in whole kidneys in a 2 x 2 design. SBH/y were contrasted with SBN/y under basal conditions and after salt loading. Thus, four groups were studied altogether. Five rats were used in each group. Altogether, 20 animals were used, and each animal was studied separately. Gene expression was done in kidney. Differential gene expression was measured 4 weeks after initiation of salt loading. At that time point hypertension invariably evolves fully in SBH/y but not in SBN/y.<br></br><br></br>Affymetrix CHP files are available on request from
Identification of hypertension-related genes through an integrated genomic-transcriptomic approach.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line, Subject, Compound
View SamplesThis study was designed to investigate gene expression in kidneys of adult female Sabra rats (SBH/y and SBN/y rat strains) with two indwelling kidneys or after uni-ninephrectomy, seeking those genes that are differentially expressed between the two strains, and between animals with one or two kidneys. SBH/y after uninephrectomy develop proteinuria to a much greater extent than SBN/y. The study was performed as part of an overall effort to detect the genes that are associated with the pathophysiology of proteinuria.
Geno-transcriptomic dissection of proteinuria in the uninephrectomized rat uncovers a molecular complexity with sexual dimorphism.
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View SamplesEffects of the prop-1 and Ghrhr mutations in gene expression during normal aging in mice.
Gene expression profile of long-lived Ames dwarf mice and Little mice.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Disease stage
View SamplesHsp70 inhibition affects many signaling pathways. We established how these effects are translated into changes in gene expression.
Cancer cell responses to Hsp70 inhibitor JG-98: Comparison with Hsp90 inhibitors and finding synergistic drug combinations.
Cell line
View SamplesWe assessed global gene expression changes in 32 human glioblastoma specimens Overall design: Human mRNA profiles of 32 glioblastoma specimens, were obtained by sequencing on Illumina HiSeq 3000
Glioblastoma-infiltrated innate immune cells resemble M0 macrophage phenotype.
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View SamplesConcentration- and time-dependent genomic changes in the mouse urinary bladder following exposure to arsenate in drinking water for up to twelve weeks.
Concentration- and time-dependent genomic changes in the mouse urinary bladder following exposure to arsenate in drinking water for up to 12 weeks.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Subject
View SamplesGene expression profiles in soybean seeds at 4 developmental stages, pod, bean 2 mm, bean 5 mm, and full-sized bean, were examined by DNA microarray analysis. Total genes of each samples were classified into 4 clusters according to developmental stages. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were extracted by comparing their expression in two adjacent stages, by using the rank product method.
Global gene expression profiles in developing soybean seeds.
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