Quiescence is an actively maintained state of the cell cycle;aberrations in which can result in severe consequencces for development and tissue homeostasis. Primary cilia are signaling centres derived from the centrosome which are associated with quiescence.Using a mouse skeletal myoblast cell culture system that can be induced to exit the cell cycle reversibly into quiescence or irreversibly into differentiation, we studied the effect of loss of ciliogenesis on quiescence.
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View SamplesDifferential transcriptome map of Zebrafish Caudal fin
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View SamplesDuring sexual dimorphism, the loss of one entire X chromosome in Drosophila males is achieved largely via a broad genome-wide aneuploid effect. Exploring how MSL proteins and two large non coding RNAs (roX1 and roX2) modulate trans-acting aneuploid effect for equality to females, we employ a system biology approach (microarray) to investigate the global aneuploid effect of maleless(mle) mutation by disrupting MSL binding. A large number of the genes (144) that encode a broad spectrum of cellular transport proteins and transcription factors are located in the autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster.
Drosophila maleless gene counteracts X global aneuploid effects in males.
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View SamplesLipopolysaccharide is a Microbe Associated Molecular Pattern (MAMP) that is known to induce defense responses in plants. In rice we have shown that Xoo LPS induce callose deposition, reactive oxygen production and induced resistance response. The exopolysaccaride (EPS) secreted by Xoo might be involved in supressing these defense responses.
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Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesLipopolysaccharide is a Microbe Associated Molecular Pattern (MAMP) that is known to induce defense responses in plants. We have shown that treatment of rice leaves with Xoo LPS induces callose deposition, reactive oxygen production and enhances resistance against subsequent infection by the pathogen.
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Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesCellulase, a Type II secretion system secreted protein of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo; the casual of bacterial leaf blight of rice) is a potent inducer of rice defense responses such as hypersensitive response like reactions (HR), callose depositions, cell death associated with nuclear fragmentations and impart functional resistance against further Xoo inoculation
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View SamplesYield loss in crop plants due to biotic stresses is a major problem and pyramiding of R genes is often suggested for sustained and durable resistance against target pests. Information is available for single R gene interaction in rice and other crop plants, but not much data is available for multiple R gene interaction against multiple pathogens/pests. In this study we carried out transcriptional analysis of two rice lines introgressed with either R gene against bacterial blight and gall midge or, against bacterial blight and fungal blast. The gene expression changes were investigated through microarray and the expression pattern upon co-infection with multiple pathogens was analyzed to study the synergistic effect of R gene mediated defense responses as well as to explore the possibility of any antagonism between the R genes as defense pathway employed due to R gene mediated resistance variesaccording to the attacking pathogen/pest.
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View SamplesYield loss in crop plants due to biotic stresses is a major problem and pyramiding of R genes is often suggested for sustained and durable resistance against target pests. Information is available for single R gene interaction in rice and other crop plants, but not much data is available for multiple R gene interaction against multiple pathogens/pests. In this study we carried out transcriptional analysis of two rice lines introgressed with either R gene against bacterial blight and gall midge or, against bacterial blight and fungal blast. The gene expression changes were investigated through microarray and the expression pattern upon co-infection with multiple pathogens was analyzed to study the synergistic effect of R gene mediated defense responses as well as to explore the possibility of any antagonism between the R genes as defense pathway employed due to R gene mediated resistance varies as per the attacking pathogen/pest.
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