We found the feasibility of targeting TNIK in osteosarcoma. Here, we describe the effects of pharmacological inhibition of TNIK in osteosarcoma cell lines.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesThis is a whole transcriptome sequencing data of rat testis. YY1 gene was knocked down in Experimental animals under Sertoli cell specific and puberty specific promoter. These knockdown animals were compared with the control animals.
An integrated transcriptomics-guided genome-wide promoter analysis and next-generation proteomics approach to mine factor(s) regulating cellular differentiation.
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View SamplesBy using DREADD technology, we found that activating Gi signaling in hepatocytes promotes hepatic glucose production. While we demonstrated that intact JNK signaling is required for maximal glucose output after stimulation of hepatic Gi signaling, other pathways may also contribute to this response. To obtain information about such non-JNK-dependent pathways, we studied changes in hepatic gene expression in an unbiased fashion using RNA-seq analysis. In this study, we used a viral delivery strategy to selectivity express a Gi-coupled DREADD (full name: hM4Di) in mouse hepatocytes (Hep-Di mice). We prepared liver RNA from Hep-Di mice 30 min after injection with either CNO (10 mg/kg i.p.) or saline (control) and then subjected these RNA samples to RNA-seq analysis.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesRNA-seq involves purification of RNA, followed by either selection of poly-A(+) RNA or depletion of ribosomal RNA. RNA is then converted into cDNA by one of two methods; 1) random priming, followed by cDNA fragmentation, end-repair and Illumina/SOLiD linker ligation or, 2) Enzymatic or chemical RNA fragmentation followed by linker ligation and cDNA generation. Following PCR amplification of tailed cDNA fragments with primers suitable for solid phase (Illumina) or emPCR (SOLiD) clonal amplification RNA-seq libraries are subjected to sequencing. Sequence alignment software is then used to compare the short sequence reads to reference genome and transcriptome databases, and exon-exon junction databases. From this analysis paradigm emerges data that is used for a variety of purposes, including the measurement of gene- level and exon-level expression abundance; detection of base changes (mutations and polymorphisms) relative to reference datasets; measurement of alternative splicing events; identification of gene fusion events; and identification of RNA editing events.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Race
View SamplesThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThis study explores the effects of glycerol, on whole genome expression of Escherichia coli.
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View SamplesThe results of this study would unravel the identity of genes that are differentially regulated during biofilm formation and establish whether the differentially regulated genes are related to increased resistance to antimicrobials and or virulence.
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Specimen part
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