Combined overexpression of miR-125b with miR-99a and/or miR-100 induced VCR resistance in ETV6-RUNX1-positive leukemic cells Reh.
MiR-125b, miR-100 and miR-99a co-regulate vincristine resistance in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Disease, Cell line
View SamplesIn addition to BCR, various rare fusion partners for the ABL1 gene have been reported in leukemia. We have identified the fusion gene SNX2-ABL1 in a pediatric case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), which has only once previously been reported in an adult patient. Cytogenetic analysis detected this fusion gene arising from a t(5;9)(q22;q34) translocation. ALL cells carrying a SNX2-ABL1 fusion exhibited a BCR-ABL1+ALL-like gene expression profile. The patient poorly responded to dasatinib but partially responded to imatinib. Treatment using tyrosine kinase inhibitors requires further investigation to optimize the genotype-based treatment stratification for patients with SNX2-ABL1 fusion.
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View SamplesIn addition to BCR, various rare fusion partners for the ABL1 gene have been reported in leukemia. We have identified the fusion gene SNX2-ABL1 in a pediatric case of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), which has only once previously been reported in an adult patient. Cytogenetic analysis detected this fusion gene arising from a t(5;9)(q22;q34) translocation. ALL cells carrying a SNX2-ABL1 fusion exhibited a BCR-ABL1+ALL-like gene expression profile. The patient poorly responded to dasatinib but partially responded to imatinib. Treatment using tyrosine kinase inhibitors requires further investigation to optimize the genotype-based treatment stratification for patients with SNX2-ABL1 fusion.
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View SamplesGenome-wide profiling of the placenta trophoblast transcriptome
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Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesGlucocorticoid resistance is a major driver of therapeutic failure in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). Here we used a systems biology approach, based on the reverse engineering of signaling regulatory networks, which identified the AKT1 kinase as a signaling factor driving glucocorticoid resistance in T-ALL. Indeed, activation of AKT1 in T-ALL lymphoblasts impairs glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. Mechanistically, AKT1 directly phosphorylates the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1 protein at position S134 and blocks glucocorticoid-induced NR3C1 translocation to the nucleus. Consistently, inhibition of AKT1 with MK-2206 increases the response of T-ALL cells to glucocorticoid therapy both in T-ALL cell lines and in primary patient samples thus effectively reversing glucocorticoid resistance in vitro and in vivo. These results warrant the clinical testing of ATK1 inhibitors and glucocorticoids, in combination, for the treatment of T-ALL.
Direct reversal of glucocorticoid resistance by AKT inhibition in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Specimen part
View SamplesTo identify novel oncogenic pathways in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), we combined expression profiling of 117 pediatric patient samples and detailed molecular cytogenetic analyses including the Chromosome Conformation Capture on Chip (4C) method. Two T-ALL subtypes were identified that lacked rearrangements of known oncogenes. One subtype associated with cortical arrest, expression of cell cycle genes and ectopic NKX2-1 or NKX2-2 expression for which rearrangements were identified. The second subtype associated with immature T-cell development and high expression of the MEF2C transcription factor as consequence of rearrangements of MEF2C, transcription factors that target MEF2C or MEF2C-associated cofactors. We propose NKX2-1, NKX2-2 and MEF2C as T-ALL oncogenes that are activated by various rearrangements.
Integrated transcript and genome analyses reveal NKX2-1 and MEF2C as potential oncogenes in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Specimen part
View SamplesT-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is mostly characterized by specific chromosomal abnormalities, some occurring in a mutually exclusive manner possibly delineating specific T-ALL subgroups. One subgroup, including MLL-rearranged, CALM-AF10 or inv(7)(p15q34) cases, is characterized by elevated expression of HOXA genes. Using a gene expression based clustering analysis of 67 T-ALL cases with recurrent molecular genetic abnormalities and 25 samples lacking apparent aberrations, we identified 5 new cases with elevated HOXA levels. Using array-CGH, a cryptic and recurrent deletion, del(9)(q34.11q34.13), was exclusively identified in 3 of these 5 cases. This deletion results in a conserved SET-NUP214 fusion product, that was also identified in the T-ALL cell line LOUCY. SET-NUP214 binds in the promoter regions of specific HOXA genes, where it may interact with CRM1 and DOT1L leading to the transcriptional activation of HOXA genes. Targeted inhibition of SET-NUP214 by siRNA abolished expression of HOXA genes, inhibited proliferation and induced differentiation in LOUCY but not in other T-ALL lines. We conclude that SET-NUP214 may contribute to the pathogenesis of T-ALL by enforcing T-cell differentiation arrest.
The recurrent SET-NUP214 fusion as a new HOXA activation mechanism in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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View SamplesHuman T-cell development is less well studied than its murine counterpart due to the lack of genetic tools and the difficulty of obtaining cells and tissues. However, recent technological advances allow identification of the transcriptional landscape of differentiating human thymocytes. Here we report the gene expression profiles of 11 immature, consecutive T-cell developmental stages. The changes in gene expression of cultured stem cells on OP9-DL1 match those of ex vivo isolated human thymocytes. These analyses led us to define evolutionary conserved gene signatures that represent pre- and post- T-cell commitment stages. We found that loss of CD44 marks T-cell commitment in early CD7+CD5+CD45dim cells, before the acquisition of CD1a surface expression. The CD44-CD1a- post-committed thymocytes have initiated in frame TCR rearrangements and have completely lost the capacity to develop into myeloid, B- and NK-cells, unlike uncommitted CD44+CD1a- thymocytes. Therefore, loss of CD44 represents a previously unrecognized stage that defines the earliest committed T-cell population in the human thymus.
Loss of CD44<sup>dim</sup> Expression from Early Progenitor Cells Marks T-Cell Lineage Commitment in the Human Thymus.
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Cancer stemness in Wnt-driven mammary tumorigenesis.
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View SamplesFicolled AML-M0 sample gene expression profiles on Affymetrix HGU133Plus2.0 GeneChips. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) classified as FAB-M0 is defined as a subtype with minimally differentiated morphology. Here we investigated by gene expression (GEP) profiling whether AML-M0 cases should be considered as one or more unique molecular subgroups that discriminates them from other AML patients. By applying GEP and subsequent unsupervised analysis of 35 AML-M0 samples and 253 previously reported AML cases, we demonstrate that AML-M0 cases express a unique signature. Hematological transcription regulators such as CEBPA, CEBPD, PU.1 and ETV6 and the differentiation associated gene MPO appeared strongly down-regulated, in line with the very primitive state of this type of leukemia. Moreover, AML M0 cases appeared to have a strong positive correlation with a previously defined immature AML subgroup with adverse prognosis. AML-M0 leukemias frequently carry loss-of-function RUNX-1 mutation and unsupervised analyses revealed a striking distinction between cases with and without mutations. RUNX1 mutant AML-M0 samples showed a distinct up-regulation of B-cell-related genes, e.g. members of the B-cell receptor complex, transcriptions regulators RUNX3, ETS2, IRF8 or PRDM1 and major histocompatibility complex class II genes. Importantly, expression of one single gene, i.e. BLNK, enabled prediction of RUNX1 mutations in AML-M0 with high accuracy. We propose that RUNX1 mutations in this subgroup of AML cause lineage infidelity, leading to aberrant co-expression of myeloid and B-lymphoid genes in the same cells.
Gene expression profiling of minimally differentiated acute myeloid leukemia: M0 is a distinct entity subdivided by RUNX1 mutation status.
Specimen part
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