Arabidopsis plants were treated either with mock or MSB (0.2 mM of Menadione sodium bisulphite). <br></br>Tissue was sampled after 3, 6 and 24 hours.
Molecular analysis of menadione-induced resistance against biotic stress in Arabidopsis.
Age, Specimen part, Compound, Time
View SamplesNitric oxide regulates plant development and responses to stress. However, the mechanisms underlying its regulatory role are still poorly known, and the impact of endogenous NO on the genome-wide transcriptome of plants has not been studied. For that purpose, we compared the transcriptomes of NO-deficient nia1nia2, noa1-2 and nia1nia2noa1-2 mutant versus wild type Arabidopsis thaliana plants. A core comprising 66 NO-responsive genes with similar expression in all NO-deficient genotypes was identified. Among them, 46 were down- and 20 up-regulated in NO-deficient plants, and thus positively and negatively regulated by endogenous NO, respectively. Accordingly with changes in its transcriptome, the NO-deficient nia1nia2noa1-2 mutant accumulated anthocyanins and indolic glucosinolates, displayed abnormal iron homeostasis in shoots and roots, and also showed altered root sensitivity to hormones such as ABA, ET, CYK and IAA. Together the presented data suggest NO functions essentially as a modulator of hormone action.
Nitric oxide sensing in plants is mediated by proteolytic control of group VII ERF transcription factors.
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View SamplesPlants of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Col-0, nrb4-2 and nrb4-4) were grown in phytochambers in short day conditions during three weeks. Then, samples from different pots were mixed, and the RNA extracted.
Non-recognition-of-BTH4, an Arabidopsis mediator subunit homolog, is necessary for development and response to salicylic acid.
View SamplesDELLA proteins interact with ARR1 and modulate its activity.
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View SamplesWe used microarrays to investigate gene expression changes in olfactory bulb and hippocampus brain regions under RasGRF2 absence.
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View SamplesThe aim of this study consists in detecting genes regulated by N-myc in the murine cochlea
Otx2 is a target of N-myc and acts as a suppressor of sensory development in the mammalian cochlea.
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View SamplesThe aim of this study consists in detecting genes regulated by Meis2 in the murine cochlea
Meis2 Is Required for Inner Ear Formation and Proper Morphogenesis of the Cochlea.
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View SamplesWe used Affymetrix microarrays to investigate gene expression changes in PBMCs isolated from male patients ongoing secondary prevention of CVD to determine significant modulatory effects that may have been induced by the intake of an initial dose of 8 mg of resveratrol-enriched grape extract for 6 months and then, 16 mg for a further 6 months.
One-year supplementation with a grape extract containing resveratrol modulates inflammatory-related microRNAs and cytokines expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of type 2 diabetes and hypertensive patients with coronary artery disease.
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View SamplesHistone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACis) have been shown to potentiate hippocampal-dependent memory and synaptic plasticity and to ameliorate cognitive deficits and degeneration in animal models for different neuropsychiatric conditions. However, the impact of these drugs on hippocampal histone acetylation and gene expression profiles at the genomic level, and the molecular mechanisms that underlie their specificity and beneficial effects in neural tissue, remains obscure. Here, we mapped four relevant histone marks (H3K4me3, AcH3K9,14, AcH4K12 and pan-AcH2B) in hippocampal chromatin and investigated at the whole-genome level the impact of HDAC inhibition on acetylation profiles and basal and activity-driven gene expression. HDAC inhibition caused a dramatic histone hyperacetylation that was largely restricted to active loci pre-marked with H3K4me3 and AcH3K9,14. In addition, the comparison of Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing and gene expression profiles indicated that Trichostatin A-induced histone hyperacetylation, like histone hypoacetylation induced by histone acetyltransferase deficiency, had a modest impact on hippocampal gene expression and did not affect the transient transcriptional response to novelty exposure. However, HDAC inhibition caused the rapid induction of a homeostatic gene program related to chromatin deacetylation. These results illuminate both the relationship between hippocampal gene expression and histone acetylation and the mechanism of action of these important neuropsychiatric drugs.
Genomic targets, and histone acetylation and gene expression profiling of neural HDAC inhibition.
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View SamplesWe performed a transcriptomic analysis of Pi starvation responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0) wild type plants under phosphate starvation stress and in plants with altered PHR1(-like) activity, comparing mutants of phr1 and phr1-phl1 grown in phosphate-lacking medium. Results show the central role of PHR1 and functionally redundant members of its family in the control of transcriptional responses to Pi starvation.
A central regulatory system largely controls transcriptional activation and repression responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis.
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