RNA-seq involves purification of RNA, followed by either selection of poly-A(+) RNA or depletion of ribosomal RNA. RNA is then converted into cDNA by one of two methods; 1) random priming, followed by cDNA fragmentation, end-repair and Illumina/SOLiD linker ligation or, 2) Enzymatic or chemical RNA fragmentation followed by linker ligation and cDNA generation. Following PCR amplification of tailed cDNA fragments with primers suitable for solid phase (Illumina) or emPCR (SOLiD) clonal amplification RNA-seq libraries are subjected to sequencing. Sequence alignment software is then used to compare the short sequence reads to reference genome and transcriptome databases, and exon-exon junction databases. From this analysis paradigm emerges data that is used for a variety of purposes, including the measurement of gene- level and exon-level expression abundance; detection of base changes (mutations and polymorphisms) relative to reference datasets; measurement of alternative splicing events; identification of gene fusion events; and identification of RNA editing events.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Race
View SamplesTo gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the memory consolidation in Drosophila melanogaster, isolated mushroom bodies were subjected to RNA-seq analysis at several time points after a conditioning that induces CREB-dependent olfactory aversive memory.
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View SamplesAdministration of spermidine, a natural polyamine whose intracellular concentration declines during human ageing, markedly extends the lifespan of various model organisms including yeast, flies and worms. In ageing yeast, spermidine treatment triggeres epigenetic deacetylation of histone H3 through inhibition of histone acetyltransferases (HAT), leading to induction of autophagy and thereby suppressing oxidative stress and necrosis. In order to further characterize the effects by spermidine supplementation of aging yeast cultures and to understand how global histone deacetylation affects gene transcription during aging, Affymetrix-based microarray analyses of three day old as well as ten day old cultures with and without administration of spermidine was performed.
Induction of autophagy by spermidine promotes longevity.
Age, Compound, Time
View SamplesThis SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesCell substrate adhesion plays an important role in cellular transformation of rat fibroblast cell lines, however a few viable non-adherent fibroblast cells when placed in suspension for a time period of 16 h (NA16) showed varied phenotypic characteristics like colony and tumor formation
Differential gene expression and clonal selection during cellular transformation induced by adhesion deprivation.
Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesThis study explores the effects of glycerol, on whole genome expression of Escherichia coli.
No associated publication
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View SamplesThe results of this study would unravel the identity of genes that are differentially regulated during biofilm formation and establish whether the differentially regulated genes are related to increased resistance to antimicrobials and or virulence.
No associated publication
Specimen part
View SamplesThis study demonstrates simulated microgravity effects on E. coli K 12 MG1655 when grown on LB medium supplemented with glycerol. The results imply that E. coli readily reprograms itself to combat the multiple stresses imposed due to microgravity. Under these conditions it survives by upregulating oxidative stress protecting genes and simultaneously down regulating the membrane transporters and synthases to maintain cell homeostasis.
Effect of simulated microgravity on E. coli K12 MG1655 growth and gene expression.
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